Lucan heard their heartbeat stop at the same time. They are dead. Nero rushed to Belial and tried to wake him up.
"Don't you dare die, you scumbag! Wake up! Open your damn eyes!" he shouted.
The fight was still in full swing but the two of them were silently sitting next to the corpses of their best friends.
Then suddenly Aleks' belly began to glow. They took a step back. Bright lines started covering his body. The fighting stopped, everyone around looked at Aleks, spellbound. Lucan's eyes bulged open. He has seen this before. The blood traveled back into Aleks' body with his wound closing gradually, and then he opened his eyes.
He straightened up. Belial was still lying there beside him, motionless. With a jolt, Aleks unfolded his white wings, and they began to glow silver. He put a hand under Belial's neck and pulled him close to himself.
"Come back to me, Yalo," he whispered and kissed him.
The light traveled all over Belial's body, enveloping him. The wound on his neck closed and his heart began to beat again. He opened his eyes and looked straight into the eyes of his angel.
"Wait a little, Yalo. I still have something to do," he whispered lovingly. Belial nodded silently, still not quite awake.
Aleks looked at Nero and Lucan.
"Protect my heart," he commanded. Then he left them standing there.
"I can't believe it. This can't be it. You are a goddamn angel!" Zion yelled and laughed out loud.
"Well, then I don't have to hold back anymore," Aleks said in an emotionless voice.
This silenced Zion. What does he mean by that?
Aleks' face became expressionless. His skin began to glow, and his eyes turned ice blue.
Sereph recognized these eyes immediately. What is happening here? He suddenly felt pressure in the air. Magic soaked up the whole room. Aleks' wings began to glow.
A sword appeared in Aleks' left hand. An angel's sword. Everyone thought.
"I hereby judge those who have dared to hurt my heart," Aleks said in a cold voice. Aleks' sword also began to glow. In a blink of an eye, he was on the other side of the hall. Then he flew around. One veil after another simply fell to the ground, but they weren't dead. They lay unconscious on the floor without a visible injury.
The princes of hell looked up in horror and took on a fighting position. Again, the angel disappeared and appeared before Zion, who was the only one spared.
"Who ordered this attack?" he asked the trembling demon. "I... I... I'm not telling you anything," he shouted.
"Your comrades are unconscious; your allies are dead. You are all alone and your life is in my hands. Make a choice or you're dead. ," the angel said in a cold voice.
Zion could hardly move. A thousand thoughts went through his head, but there was only one way out. He wouldn't allow himself to be captured. So, he had made his decision. With a sweeping movement, he pulled up his sword and rammed it straight into his chest.
But Aleks didn't allow him to die so easily. He tore the sword out of Zion's chest and placed his hand on the wound. A bright glow shot out of the palm of his hand and Zion's wound closed. He gasped. Stunned, he drove a hand over his upper body, touching the intact skin. Panic rose within him.
He won't let me die. No, Aleks wouldn't.
"You will atone for your crimes. You will stay alive and serve your sentence in a cell." Then Aleks' forehead touched Zion's forehead with the tip of his sword, and he fell to the side unconscious.
Aleks looked up and saw the demons, all in a fighting position surrounding him.
"I do not intend to fight against you, nor do I desire your place. My place is by my mate's ." With those words Aleks disappeared again, appearing next to Belial. "This war that is to come will affect us all. We can only find a solution if we are together in this." With these words, he disappeared with the demon in a bright light.
The demons were left with more questions than answers in their heads. Nero stood up. Juri, Lao, Cone, Samuel, and Alas came to him and together they left.
"Where do you want to go?" Lucan asked the warriors.
"Home," they replied in unison.
A stroke woke Belial from his sleep.
"Yalo," said the soft voice. This time he was woken up by his beloved, not the other way around. Belial snuggled up to his loved one's chest, soaking up his soothing smell. He had an incredible dream.
"Tsuka, I had a dream. We went to the ball and were attacked there. We were dying and we met your mother," he whispered.
Belial wasn't a demon with a lot of imagination, he was rather the calculating strategist. "Yalo, it wasn't a dream," whispered his mate. The demon opened his eyes.
"Aleksander, it's not funny," he said in a serious voice. But when he saw the look on Aleks' face, he understood.
His angel hasn't been able to lie ever. He rubbed his forehead. Belial didn't want to imagine the consequences of what Aleksander's revelation would have caused. Damn. He couldn't properly remember the events after their return to the real world. After this, all the hell would break loose. Any hell prince could target Aleks.
"Then we should prepare for everything," Belial said. First, they had to find a safe place and hide their essence. He frantically made plans.
Aleks saw his demon's head working. If you are planning our escape, it's not necessary, Bel. his mate looked at him, surprised.
"While you were asleep, all the princes of hell came to an agreement" - or more, he had given them an ultimatum.
"I'm a neutral figure. I do not belong to any prince of hell, so no one can demand loyalty from me. This didn't seem to please Belphegor and Lucifer, but they had no choice since they were outvoted. Astaroth is also not entitled to me or my services. They are equally available to everyone if I want to give them."
Had his angel negotiated all this alone? Pride smoldered in Belial's chest.
"You too were released from your loyalty under Astaroth. You are free to serve whoever you want. You can continue to act as Astaroth's right hand, but you are unaccountable. This was all Nero's idea. Thanks to him, war was prevented," his mate said.
That must have been a hard blow for Astaroth to lose such a strong warrior. Him agreeing to this must have been difficult for him, but it's better than a senseless war.
Aleks continued, "It was decided that together we all would search for the keys mentioned in the prophecy. Everyone wants to work together at this point, though I'm not sure about some of their intentions." Belial nodded and tried to grasp everything.
"What are you up to now, Bel?"
Yes, what was he up to?
"I will remain Astaroth's right hand for the time being. Together with him, I want to protect the country in which I grew up. It's also important to understand this prophecy." Aleks nodded.
"Aleksander, it was no coincidence that Nix spoke to you that night."
Aleks nodded again.
"I know, Bel. I think I'm part of that prophecy. But what role I play in it isn't yet clear."
Belial could only agree on this with his mate. Maybe they should pay Nix a visit. A gentle kiss interrupted his thoughts.
"Not so much brooding my heart, otherwise you will get wrinkles."
Belial smiled and deepened the kiss.
I'll never let you go, Tsuka.
Aleks laughed softly and allowed his mate to roll over him.
You are mine, forever.
__________________________The fight is over. Now, there are two chapters and the epilogue left. Have fun!
Your Mouse Goddess

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅
ParanormalBelial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked. »» ------------------------ ★ ------------------------ «« Belial has been searc...