Chapter 23

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"Cleaning the bed sheets is also on the bill," Lyric greeted the couple as they entered the treatment room.

A deep redness immediately covered Aleks' skin and his gaze shifted down in embarrassment.

Cute. So innocent. Belial pulled Aleks to his chest and threw a "Did-you-have-to-say-that?"-look at the demon, to which Lyric responded with a "Your-own-fault-if-you-fuck-in-my-guest-room"-look and grinned mockingly.

Belial cleared his throat and asked, "You wanted to see us urgently?" He looked anxious, afraid that something was wrong with Aleks. In a way, he was right.

"Human... What's your name?" Lyric asked.

"Aleksander. Aleksander Esai," he replied hesitantly.

A strange name. What parents give their child such an old name these days? But this wasn't relevant now. "Aleksander, please sit on the altar and take off your T-shirt."

Aleks did as he was told, looking nervously at his mate. Belial took the T-shirt and stood down next to him in a calm manner.

Lyric also took off his shirt and bared his rune-covered body. Over the years, he had the runes were burned onto his body. There was a simple reason for this. Runes burned onto the skin were far more powerful than those which were temporarily drawn, because the permanent ones allowed a direct connection to his soul and thus the source of his magic.

"Now, lie on your back and place your arms next to your body," he instructed.

"Lyric, what's going on?" Belial asked, now seriously concerned.

"It's easier when I show it to you," Lyric replied curtly, but Aleks had already followed his instructions without protesting. He tapped a rune on his left hip and it began to glow. He concentrated the magic in his fingertips and placed it around Aleks' navel in a circular motion and they began to sink into Aleks' body.

Aleks gasped for air and his belly began to glow, illuminating an object inside his stomach. Lyric placed his hand around the target object, closed his fingers around it, and pulled, revealing a tower of light that stretched from Aleks' belly to Lyric's hand.

Belial hissed. The glow faded and five magical circles which gradually got smaller from the bottom circle up were floating on top of each other. Belial finally seemed to be able to understand what Lyric had wanted to show him while Aleks said nothing and just stared at his belly in shock.

"Belial, I've been living for a long time now, but I've never seen a five-level seal. Can you tell me who put this seal on your mate?" Lyric asked his friend in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Aleksander - what you see in front of you is a seal. We've talked about it before, remember?" His demon said and Aleks nodded hesitantly.

Now Lyric was surprised. Why would he talk to his mate about seals? Did he already know about the seal? Lyric dissolved the spell and the circles wandered back into Aleks' body until nothing could be seen.

In a calm tone, Belial explained the situation to his friend. "Aleks was kidnapped as a toddler by a group of magical creatures, I think humans. I don't know more. But I know they tried to open him. I think this seal was placed on him long before and the kidnappers tried to break it."

"What power could you possibly possess that warranted you being sealed in the first place and then later kidnapped to try to extract it??" Lyric asked suspiciously. Belial remained silent, seeming to consider how much he should reveal.

"Because they saw my ability," Aleks replied instead.

"Aleksander," Belial began to interrupt his mate, but Aleks held his hand up defensively and signaled to him to keep quiet.

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now