Plot and Characters

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The plot is devided into two parts. You have the past and the present. In the past you'll visit all the precious memories Ally treasured for herself and holds close dearly. You relive her life with her, sitting in the first row. 

In the present you will be confronted with her older self getting ready for a wedding. Talking with her hairdresser Aija how she ended up where she is. 


Alkyone -Ally- Denver

Status: Pureblood

Hair: Straight, long and brown

Height: Tall

Figure: Avarage 

Main Characteristic: Being fierce, fun, supportive, caring and energetic

Sayo Aiko Wong

Status: Muggle born

Hair: Straight black hair, shoulder length

Height: Small

Figure: Chubbier

Main Characteristics: Being a sunshine, smart, logical, crazy and loving

Samuel Felipé Diego Joaquin Ramon de los Santos

Status: Half-blood

Hair: Short curly brown hair, always looks unmade

Height: Middle

Figure: Average, but not muscular at all, sport is something he despises

Main Characteristics: Being curious and always wanting to learn more, quick, empaphetic, loud and keen.

Oliver Tatum

Status: Half-blood

Hair: short black hair, always made, even when you wake him up

Height: Tall

Figure: Fit, he likes sports a lot

Main Characteristics: Quiet and reserved, smart, thoutful and determined

Kathie Smith

Status: Half-blood

Hair: Very short blond hair

Height: Short

Figure: petite

Main Characteristics: Reserved, analysing, sassy and witty

And of course George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Lee fucking Jordan, Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecomb, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and everyone else out of the Potter Universe that ends up in this book. 

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