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Aija stops in her tracks to look at me.


"Why does that sound like you and Draco had chemistry?"

"What?," I look at her confused: "What do you mean by that?"

"The way your conversation developed, you made it sounds like there was some sort of bond between the two of you."

"Well there was. We were engaged after that and everyone present in my house knew it. If that isn't a bond, then I don't know. You sure make the best out of this shit."

Aija hums in agreement: "But did feelings ever evolve?"

"No. Not any feelings out of the friendzone," I shrug.

"How did it even get to the point where you got really friends and started to like the other?"

"It took a while, but I kind of got to meet Draco. After the announcement we spent a lot of time together, we were asked to be part of many parties, invitation after invitation came in, the Malfoy's reputation almost redeemed. Silly isn't it?"

"Just because you would marry him their name was cleared?"

"Just like that."

Aija shakes her head taking in a deep breath.

"However, what I've got to meet of Draco was something new, he told me what he had gone through and what he wished he could change, still he was that arrogant little brat getting spoilt. Though, an arrogant brat with feelings this time."

"I guess getting to meet him more often and really doing something with him makes me understand him a bit more. I don't tolerate every shit he does, but I can understand it more."

"For example?," Aija asks.

"When he insults Granger about being a muggleborn, I cannot and I will not accept this behavior or when he tries to get the best out for him leaving other people out while doing so. He could do so much better but I understand that he doesn't know any better. It is, after all, what he did all his life."

Aija looks through her beauty bags: "Did you and George meet up after the announcement?"

"We tried, but my parents had their eyes on me constantly. So we just had letters to connect with. He wasn't pleased."

"Was he disliking Draco?"

"More than that actually..."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now