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~One last time~

The party is in full swing already and we all chat and laugh together after the feast.

"I can't believe that is absolutely magnificent woman right next to me is wearing my name now," George smirks.

I stand in front of the snow sculpture with him and admirer the grace in the work.

"Better believe it," I turn to him with a smile, giving him a quick kiss: "Because I won't leave you ever again."

"I still have the receipt, I can return you," he teases.

"Not if I burn the marriage certificate, good luck bringing me back without that."

He laughs, brushing away some strands of hair.

"Does your make up have a stick charm on it?"

"Yes why?"

"I just wondered, you cried a lot today and not a single time it smeared," he shrugs.

"I better wanted to be safe than sorry."

"Good for me, because now I can do this without getting into that much of trouble," he takes some snow from the sculpture and smashes it into my face.

I gasp and other people turn around to us. George breaks into fits of laughter.

"Oh you will regret that," I say.

"Don't forget I have a big ass family to back me up," he snickers.

I wipe away some snow and out of my wet hair, grabbing some snow as well.

"George, you missed that she has us on her side," Abril says, already holding a snowball in her hand that she spelled herself.

George eyes widen.

"Attack!," I scream and soon this turns into a huge snowball fight.

Even Aunt Muriel throws some balls. Luciana and Camilla took it as their personal goal to tear down Harry Potter, screaming at him in Spanish. That poor bloke.

A hand reaches out to me and I got pulled back into George's arms.

"I've got snow in my ear," he screams over the noise.

I laugh and brush some snow out of his hair: "Serves you about right. I call that karma."

"Merlin, how much I love you. That is insane."

"Just come down and kiss me."

I pull him down with a huge grin and then we stand there kissing meanwhile a white hell broke out around us.

This day couldn't have been any better.

Everything led to this and I am happy.



Hey all of you. Thank you so unbelievably much for staying and being a part of this journey, for reading it, laughing with me, rolling your eyes or maybe asking yourself wtf is happening, because at one point I did too. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this book a little bit and had a bit of fun while reading it, like I had writing it. 

I managed to finish this book in a span of two weeks when I was in the middle of the writing process, which is different to the way I use to work on other FF's. However, I am actually a bit proud of the end product. 

Again, this here wouldn't have come that far without all of you and I am thankful for each and everyone of you, regardless of you being a silent reader or leaving votes and comments. Just so you know everyone of you is very much appreciated. 

If you still have questions or anything, hit me up. 

I hove you have a wonderful day/night. 


EDIT: When I wrote this author's note, I obviously wrote it in advance with the hope at least three people read the whole book to this point and maybe leave the one or another comment, however, it is just the one and only _Unicorn_Niall_ that stayed, so I am giving you for now, an extra huge thank you. For all your comments and votes and especially for even reading the book. This one's for you :P  

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