45 5 4

~A bit of a coward~

It is seven pm when we apparate onto the grounds of the office building where the ministry holds their party in.

Although party is a widely used term for this. It's more of a meeting for the higher society to brag with how much money they have. Because strangely enough not all from the ministry are invited to the party, but people who don't even have a say but enough money. Funny isn't it?

George is already waiting at the arranged spot and he is wearing his Yule Ball suit. Something else is different. His bloody hair. I was wrong when I said he looked the most handsome with long hair, whatever Molly did I need to thank her. I swallow. Damn.

I smile at him when we hug hello. I want nothing more than to run a hand through his hair and kiss him on the spot.

„Mrs. Denver," he takes the hand of my mother and kisses it awkwardly: „A pleasure to see you again."

„The pleasure is all mine George," she nods.

„Mister Denver," he reaches out for the hand of my father: „Thank you for allowing me to accompany your lovely daughter."

„Of course, if my daughter is sure you are the one she wants to be accompanied with, we will arrange it," he lets go of George's hand: „Shall we go inside?"

„Yes Oscar, I heard the Bullions will be here today as well. "

„Are they back from France? "

„The rumors say so, let's hope they are true. "

I lean towards George, we walk a bit behind them and whisper: „The Bullions are the elite family. Best dresses from all around the world, a say in the French and American politics and beautiful daughters. There hardly isn't any family that hopes their sons to get with one of the two daughters. "

„Sounds horrible," he makes a grimace, making me chuckle slightly.

„Are you nervous for today?"

„A bit I have to admit, but nothing I won't conquer tonight. I'm on my best manners today," he grins.

„Then I'm curious to meet them," I poke my tounge out, but catch myself quickly when my mother turns around.

„We expect no inconveniences tonight. We don't want bad rumors make the rounds of our family and yours of course," she says towards George, who nods approvingly.


„This is fine," George mumbles as we stand next to the bar, getting ourselves something we are allowed to drink.

„I mean I thought I will see more gits, but they are surprisingly far away," he continues and takes a sip. 

„Not to forget the fact that until now, not a single one has spoken to us. I can live with that. "

„Please, don't say this to loud. They will smell it thirty feet in the distance and surround as like hungry tigers," I take a sip.

„Are those parties always that boring?," he sighs.

„Without an exception," I confirm.

„How do you survive them? "

„Smiling, nodding along and this," I lift up my cocktail.

„They aren't even strong enough to get drunk off," George mumbles.

„Maybe but I have my methods. Anyways, what do you think of the high society mh?"

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now