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~Way down we go~

I ran after George who fetches his coat from an elf and storms out of the house himself, the knuckles on his hand turn white as he proceeded to hold onto his wand.

The only thing that stopped him from hexing my father was me.

"George, please wait!," I breathe heavily, bringing him to a stop in the front yard.

He looks stern, tense and his nostrils flatter dangerously. This wasn't how we planned this out. How could they do something as cruel as this?

"What?," he manages to say it calmly.

"I didn't know about those plans, I'm as- as- angry as you are," I say, blinking a few times.

I'm about to loose my mind.

"Is this a sick joke your parents are pulling? An arranged marriage? They are hypocrites. They will never care about anything else than themselves and this shitty reputation stuff, that's just fucked up and useless," he tenses his jaw.

I stare at him and I know he is right. He always was right and yet I can't escape. I thought I'd finally had it, finally made myself ready for a life that isn't as controlling, but they even managed to control that.

I don't want to imagine the pain George has to go over again. It's not about the fact they took him away from me, it is more the way they still see him, even though he conquered and accomplished so much in his life. Yet he is still a poor idiot worth nothing to them.

And that breaks my heart.

He is so much more than that.

A tear rolls down my face, knowing what will come at us.

"Please I'm so sorry," I whisper, he just presses his forehead against mine, holding my head close.

"Don't cry," he whispers back: "I love you. We will find a solution to this. I will owl you."

He kisses me and I try to savour as much as possible of this kiss before breaking apart. I take a wobbly breath. George squeezes my hand one last time before disappareting with a loud thud.

I storm back inside, ready to throw a knife at both of my parents. What were they thinking?

"How could you?," I spat at them.

"It is for the best, now stop making a drama. You didn't actually believe that this thing you had with George would last?," father says ordering me back into my place.

"I didn't just believe it, I freaking knew it!," I scream at them.

"Not in this tone!"

"I don't care any longer Rowena's sake," I roll my eyes.

"We didn't raise you that way."

"And I didn't believe you would lie to my face for years, but here we are."

"Alkyone would you please sit down and let us explain."


"Sit down," my mother gets stern.

Slowly I sink onto the sofa.

"In times like these the reputation of many families was damaged, leaving them unable to get a hold in society. Therefore, we made this arrangement benefitting both of our families," mother explains quickly.

I knew they wouldn't explain all of it. They never did.

"And who should this family be?," I ask annoyed, secretly planning a way to get out of this.

"The Malfoys," father says.


Both of my parents tense up hearing me cuss like that and I'm sure they will scold me soon enough for my bad language, but they can't be serious about that. Draco Malfoy out of all?

"The Malfoy's fell into the radar of the bad side and since Lucius now has to be some time in Azkaban, Narcissa and Draco are left alone with no one to tend to. They got outcasts. One of the noblest, well-known and powerful families got pushed into the dirt from one day to the other," father goes on.

"But that was their fault," I mutter.

"We don't speak until the other isn't finished," my mother grips my arm, digging her nails into my skin making me shut up.

"We on the other hand, still have a clear and good name in the structure of society. A marriage between these two families will help wash their names clean and help them out financially."

"And what do you gain out of it?," I ignore the stinging pain of the finger nails.

"Land, a wonderful field and a say in the ministry. Lucius might be in Azkaban, but he hasn't lost his say in the ministry yet. You becoming a Malfoy will settle a seat for me and I can stop filthy people taking over the regime."

Now I slowly start to understand. It's all about politics.

"Just so I understand correctly, you want me to marry Draco Malfoy?"

My father nods, taking himself a Whiskey.

"I don't want to."

My mother laughs:" We can't always get what we want."

"This is insane. I can't marry someone I hardly know!"

"You will soon enough."

"I mean he is younger than me, not even ready for marriage yet. The poor guy has enough to deal with, doesn't need a wedding as well," I try to resonate with them, but failing miserably.

"Well," my father crosses his hands in front of him: "You were the one claiming to take things differently. Weren't you the one with all those diversity friends? How was the fat Asian called again Soya? You had to go and say that being open minded is important, now be open to marry a younger one. The man doesn't always need to be the older one right?"

"It's Sayo Aiko Wong," I manage to get out through gritted teeth getting more furious with each passing second.

"It's just a name, doesn't matter," he dismisses.

"You can't be serious about this. I don't want to marry anyone else, I just want to grow old with George and in case you missed that, we are already engaged, he just asked you because I knew you wouldn't like it if we simply married behind your backs. Now I wish we would have done exactly that."

"You are not engaged. Where is the ring?," father points at my hand.

I'm about to stand up, but decide against it. I'm too scared they break it.

"Thought so. This is just a childish phantasy blooming in the love sick head of yours, but a guy like George could never make you happy. Draco though is exactly the guy you need and can provide to you the same standard that we did."

"But I can't marry someone I don't even love, no matter what use it is!," I exclaim.

"You can - just as many others all around the world – and you will. This is final, no discussion left. On Friday we will throw our gathering, better be prepared. I want you to have a good outlook on the both of them," mother says.

"I'm not going to do that. You can go and persuade Draco yourself," I scoff and stand up.

"You'll have to give it your best, otherwise we could sue the Weasley's," father suddenly says.

"What do you mean?," I turn towards him.

His eyes glimmer with triumph: "What if I tell you that I have something drastic against them in my hands, if I ever showed that to someone from the ministry, they might have to move because the fine costs too much and your oh so beloved George will go down with them."

I stare at him in shock. I try to reach for my wand, but father already has it. There is nothing I can do than play along. It looks like I will have to give in and marry Draco in the end.

I ball my hands into fists and start to shake and run into my room, screaming and destroying everything I own in there, before I flop onto the floor, crying into a shirt of George and being convinced I'll go crazy. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now