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~The wonderful green house question~

Usually we aren't allowed on our own in here, but I got a special permission from Sprout to look after the plants for her this afternoon. I love spending my time with them. They calm me and somehow it feels like they understand better than any other creature ever could.

I just recite a poem to them, playing the dramatic parts while carefully cutting the branches that need to be cut when I realize that someone is watching me from the door. I turn to see a red head looking at me with a smirk.

My stomach drops and I suddenly get a bit nervous. How long has he been there? How much has he seen and heard?

"How long do you stand there?"

"Long enough to hear this beautiful poetry," he pushes himself of the frame and walks towards me: "Never knew poetry calmed them."

The boy pats some branches of a plant that reaches out to him, earning my admiration for that. Normally the plant doesn't like to be touched by anybody.

"They like it when someone talks to them in a monotone voice, but not all of them. Glasshouse four actually likes it when you sing heavy songs. Big Weird Sisters fans," I say putting my knife away.

The boy grins and turns to me, his eyes not leaving my figure.

"Stare a bit longer and you can paint a portrait," I say.

"Maybe I should do that," he smirks.

"What do you want George?," I try my best.

I hope that it is him. The kiss we shared doesn't leave my mind and I wonder how his lips would feel right now. Unintentionally I look at them, before staring back into his eyes.

"How do you know it is me?"

"You are the Herbiology twin and very talented with it might I add, they seem to like you," I point at the plant he just strokes softly.

"I'm more interested if the person caring about them likes me," he stares at me and I can't help but feel my cheeks redden.

"I'm sure Sprout has a soft spot for you. Without Fred around you are much calmer and focused."

He laughs: "Oh so you discussed me already?"

George moves closer and I can feel my breath quicken. I move back a bit.

"You could say I hear a lot about the two of you. Guys with a reputation like you will be discussed a damn lot inside the castle walls," my back hits a table.

"And you listened to all of it?," he smirks.

"Let's be real, it's better for you if I haven't listened to all," I state crossing my arms for protection in front of my chest.

"Fair enough," he stops, running a hand through his hair, it looks like he is searching for words.

"Now, is there something I can help you with or why are you here?"

I stare at his perfect face, all this little details and freckles, at his hair that falls into is face again the moment he lets go of it, the shine of more in his eyes and those perfect lips. Those soft and heavenly lips.

I might have a problem.

"I actually was looking out for you," he says catching me off guard.


"Yeah," he scratches his neck: "That might sound crazy, but the kiss did something, I don't know if you felt that too, but there was something. I really want to figure out what it is."

He moves a bit closer and I try to step back again, but a plant pushes me forward so I'm almost face to face with him.

"Ally," I can feel the heat he radiates even through our fabrics, making my cheeks probably blush even more: "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

George looks expectantly at me, I stare at him. This feels so comfortable and normal, so I nod. I nod and a smile grows on both of our faces.

"Great, I'll pick you up this Saturday for Hogsmeade alright?," he asks taking my hand in his.

"Sounds great," I breathe out and for a moment I believe he leans down to kiss me, but he steps back still grinning widely.

"Then until Saturday," on his way back he pumps into a table and almost throws off a plant, catching it quickly and going red on the tip of his ears and leaving.

I can't stop from smiling too, no matter what I'm trying I just can't stop it. George fucking Weasley just asked me out. I'm giddy. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now