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~Oh the dislike~

When I look into the mirror again, I see some curls in my hair that will hang themselves out to some waves.

"Am I right if I say they didn't like him that much?"

"You are more than right. I had a lot of convincing to do you see."

"When did they start to accept him as your boyfriend. You were together long before weren't you?"

"When they finally meet him we have been together for over a year and a half you could say."

"That long really?," Aija looks surprised.

I nod slowly: "I was in my fourth year and he in his fifth when we had our first date. A bit after that we got official and when my parents finally met him he was soon to be going into his last year and I was going to attend my sixth year. Because of the Yule Ball they started to realize that I might have someone by my side."

"The Yule Ball why?"

"We went there together obviously and I might have send them an owl telling them that I, in fact, have found a Date to the ball, not giving a damn. Well, you could say I regretted that as soon as I got their letter back."

"They demanded to meet him?"

"They demanded to meet him and to get every background information possible. That's why our family dinner with him was so soon after school ended. Being the only child puts a lot of pressure in that aspect, because they don't have any other children to get better partners," I laugh.

Aija rolls with her stool to the other side of my head: "Was it clear for you that you and George will go to the Yule Ball?"

"For me yes, I didn't even question it, but apparently George did, because he had this whole thing planned out..."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now