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~My two latina mothers~

"We want advanced behavior from you this trip," my mother looks at me from behind her shoulder when we walk to our tent on the better side of the field.

"Yes, mother."

"You need to show yourself from your best side, no talking back and especially not to any of the Malfoy's. They are a family of high position and I don't need you to ruin anything. Understood?," father says sternly.

"Yes, father."

"Also stay upright, and make your hair, you look almost upsetting."

I just nod, anything else wouldn't make any sense and so I straighten myself even more and try to redo my hair.

"Not like that, come here you useless thing," she moves up to me and does it herself, only letting go of my hair when she is satisfied.

Not my fault that traveling by portkey unraveled it a bit. When we arrive our tent, the two house elves we took with us deal with our luggage, meanwhile mother refreshes herself and I walk into the kitchen to make myself something to drink.

I walk around the spacious rooms and outside the tent, watching all the other people passing, greeting them with a smile, all the time keeping my composure.

Next to us the Malfoy's arrive, I walk back inside.

"The Malfoy's are here. Should we greet them now?," I ask.

"By Rowena's name, no. We don't want to come off as needy," father declares reading the daily prophet on the couch: "We visit them in an hour at best."

"Can I go out and look around?," I ask hopefully.

"And get yourself in trouble? You stay right where you are and help your mother."

I sigh and go deeper into the tent.


"It's so nice to see you here on such a beautiful day even," father shakes the hand of Mister Malfoy and kisses the hand of Mrs. Malfoy: "Looking exquisite as always Narcissa."

"Very kind of you Oscar," she nods at him: "and you must be the young Denver. Alkyone right?"

"Yes Mam," I make a slight curtsy.

"This Alkyone is my wonderful son Draco, come and introduce yourself dear," she pulls a very pale boy out of nowhere.

"Good afternoon," he shakes the hand of my father and kisses the one of my mother and mine: "It is a pleasure to meet you finally."

"Draco is attending Hogwarts just like you Alkyone?," Mister Malfoy looks at me curiously.

"Yes Sir, I will start my fifth year this summer."

"Draco and you probably met inside the castle walls," my mother points out.

"We have seen each other before, but unfortunately never had the pleasure of meeting each other personally, we both have very busy and tight schedules," I say, hoping I haven't messed up but everyone seems satisfied.

"Draco indeed has a lot to study for, good grades don't come from nothing, right boy," Mister Malfoy pats him on the shoulder, but I don't miss the worried glance his mother throws Draco.

"Of course father."

"Alkyone attends several extra curriculum and is the top of her class," father points out: "That's why she never was able to talk with Draco before."

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