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~A bit of fluff~

It was right after it was announced that Sirius Black attacked in the Gryffindor tower and we all had to assemble in the Great Hall.

I am incredibly anxious and always look around. I'm not scared that Black shows up next to me, I'm more scared that someone might have happened something. I mean he is Gryffindor after all.

"Go and look for him, we cover you," Sayo says shying me away a bit.

"Thank you," I sneak away from the group and wander through the hall in search for George.

I found a red-head but that's just Percy and I don't really care about him as much as I hate to admit it. Then there is Ron. How pale can a person look like? Furthermore, why is he pale like that in the first place?

Luckily after a few rounds more I see him and run up to the boy hugging him quickly.

"I'm so glad you are okay," I hug him tightly.

"I am just glad you finally settled for the better twin," Fred winks.

"I am so unbelievably sorry Fred," I feel a blush creep up my cheeks and step a bit back but Fred pulls me close again.

"No, don't stop. This feels good," he laughs and I feel myself get a bit calmer.

"Do I disturb something here?," a familiar voice asks.

"Yes shove off, we are having a private moment," Fred declares.

"Fred is deprived of love, you need to wait a bit until we are finished," I say.

"No need to expose me," he lets me go.

"Are you guys alright? What happened?," I look between them concerned.

"Ron claims Sirius Black stood with a knife in front of him in the middle of the night and Sir. Cardigan affirmed it," George explains: "But no one was harmed, everyone is fine."

"Thank merlin," I hug him close: "I was worried sick."

The boy wraps his arms around me securely.


Or another moment when it was early in the morning.

I tip on the shoulder, making him look up at me.

"Morning," I grin down at him.

"What a good one it is," he grins back reaching behind his back to pull me closer.

"Hey idiots," Sayo says to the other Gryffindors around.

I lean down to whisper in George's ear: "Missed you yesterday."

"Sorry I was occupied, how can I make it up to you?," he looks up at me.

"I know something," I shrug and kiss him.

Immediately he kisses back and we don't care how many stare.

"Get a room you two," Lee shouts over to us.

We break apart laughing. I see two Gryffindor girls, maybe in their fifth year, watching us with heart eyes. One of them looks exactly like Padma, so that has to be her twin Parvati then.

Sayo grabs my hand: "As much as I encourage you two to make babies please not now, we have a class to attend."

"See you later?," George asks.

I nod and lean down for one last kiss.

"You two get on my nerves, go pest the air with love somewhere else," Alicia mutters.

Fred lays an arm around her: "If you need someone to kiss it better, I volunteer as a tribute."


One moment I have to think about is just us.

It is a sunny afternoon after the second task, from the rainy and cold days from before nothing to be seen. Even the slight breeze coming over from the lake doesn't feel as cold as it usually would have.

Somewhere behind a tree far behind from the castle well hidden in the gardens George and I take in the calmness and peace.

Hogwarts always is a loud place, but this year it is specifically full with energy and noise. I take every little peace I can get and other than many people would think: George is a person that can radiate peace.

When I'm alone with Fred, peace isn't granted and you are happy when he for once doesn't drum around with his fingers and sits still.

However, George appreciates silence himself. With him it is hard to get him out of his concentrated mind once he jumped into it.

I lean back towards the tree and read my book, running my other hand through George's hair. He currently lies on my lap and sleeps or at least pretends to do so.

I close my book and watch his features. His defined jawline and freckles up his cheeks to the bridge of his nose that is striking and those eyebrows. They are perfectly formed. I am jealous of them.

Suddenly I even see those wonderful eyes shining full with life up at me, soon he grins, flexing with his lips. I feel myself getting soft once again just at the sight of him.

He reaches one of his hands up and tips my nose with it, while breathing out a quiet 'poop'.

"I love this angle of you," he mumbles.

I raise an eyebrow questioning.

"From this position I can see your double chin and I can almost look inside your nose," he grins.

I cover up my nose: "Why did you have to say that?"

I try to get away from his mustering look, but I still feel uncomfortable now. He just laughs.

"Not funny," I mumble: "You can't just say something like that."

"That isn't something bad," he points out laughing.

"This here is supposed to be a cute thing. Other people will walk by and say 'oh my look how cute they are being' and you are here saying 'hey I can see your enormous fat underneath your chin'," I try to look everywhere but him.

"But that just is what I can see," he wants to tickle my chin, but I swat his hand away: "Okay you lay down and see that this angle is weird."

The boy sits up and points at myself to move and soon my head hits his lab, looking up at him. No he still looks good in this angle too. This is unfair.


"I still want to kiss the hell out of you," I mumble annoyed.

George grins: " In this angle I can see myself wanting it too."

"So we know what that means?"

"That you always will be the bottom?"

"What?," my eyes slowly widen: "No! I meant that we should just kiss then!"

George laughs whole heartedly and leans down to place his lips on mine. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now