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~The time I was the brave one~

"So," George says while playing with my fingers in his hand, his eyes are darted towards the beautiful scenery given: " I obviously know about the reputation of your family, being a honored Pureblood family and all, but how is your family really? You got to know a lot about mine, now it is time for you to reveal all the gossip."

I laugh: "But I just love hearing you talk about your family!"

"I figured that already," he snickers:" since you bombarded me with so many questions. So what is your family like?"

My hand in his feels warm and secure.

"My family is what the rumours are about. Strict, stern, pumped with manners and money and of course reputation driven. However, they are very smart and strategic people."

"So it's true you guys have this hella big estate?," he asks a bit unsure.

"Why do you want to know? Trying to get me for my money eh?," I tease but George tenses up immediately.

I look at his face seeing concern on it: "Hey I was just joking alright?"

"That's not it. I'm just wondering if-," he stops himself.

"You are wondering what? Look at me," I place my free hand on his jawline and pull his head into my direction, his stare immediately makes me melt.

The effect the boy has on me is insane and he doesn't even realize it.

"I am wondering if I could ever keep up with that money, with offering you the same. You know we aren't really known for having much money and-"

"George, I don't like you because of money. I don't need any more money, being the only child I am, I am already a spoiled brat," I chuckle a bit: " I like you because of you. I don't need anything else, you are more worth than any money ever could."

A smile appears on his face.

"There ya go. This looks better than the concerned look from before," I grin.

"What did I do to deserve this?," he laughs.

We both stare at each other, half of our faces covered in sunlight, making his best features even more defined. How much I wish I could have a photo of this right now.

He licks his lips and I don't care any longer. I long for his lips and I decide to go for it.

His lips are how I remembered them. Soft, warm and the perfect mixture of sparkly and firm.

The butterflies in my stomach are now rioting and decided to roam my whole freaking body. I have to smile into the kiss. Never in a million years did I believe this feeling could exist.

George slowly places his hand on my cheek, caressing it ever so softly as if he was scared I could break under his touch.

Then we slowly break apart and I look into his wonderful brown eyes. I feel like the longer I stare, the more I get lost in it and the harder it gets to break out of it.

Carefully stroking my cheeks, George gives me a million-dollar smile, the tension from earlier left as soon as it came and he leans is forehead against mine.

I bite my lip while smiling before he pulls me into a hug. I place my cheek against his shoulder starring at the sunset hugging him back.

"So is this here like official official?," the boy asks.

"Even better, I'd say it's official official official."

"Uh even a three times I see, well I think this is getting serious now."

"If getting serious means I can kiss those lips whenever I please, then I don't have a problem with what's coming," I grin looking up at him again.

"Me neither," with that he leans down to kiss me again.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now