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~Talk active as ever~

The door opens and Aija comes in with Blaise.

"Denver, you have something in your face," he comments.

"Thanks for telling me I'm beautiful in your own special way," I turn towards him.

"Any time," is that a glimpse of a smile I see on his face?

"Is the foo-"

"Everything correct."

"Anything else?"


"Talk active as ever I see."

"We wouldn't want to waste time on something so unnecessary on such a special day like this," he shrugs.

"You really know how to calm me."

"Trying my best. If you want to look good for him, you should wipe that away. I kind of figured out by now what he likes," he opens the door.

"Don't tell me how I need to do my work," Aija points at him.

Blaise raises his hands in surrender: "Fine, then I'll find the way out myself."

Then the door closes again. Now I just need Oliver to confirm the venue.

Aija deals with the baking on my skin: "I keep wondering if you and George ever had bad moments? You two seemed perfect."

"We were far from perfect and we knew it. One very big challenge for example was my whole seventh year. He already left Hogwarts and I was without him for a whole year. Owling just wasn't enough sometimes and through the distance you tend to get a bit jealous of people who are able to spend time with the other one you so dearly miss."

"Another big fight we had was in his last year when he told me he will leave Hogwarts, that they have this huge plan and I wasn't happy. We even screamed at each other. Now I know I was more fed up that he will leave me behind in this hell with Umbridge than about the fact that he 'doesn't care about his future'. I may have hurt him with some words back then."

"We didn't talk for a week straight after, neither of us could swallow the pride we had inside of us. Or after the Yule Ball, when I brought him some soup and wanted to look after him, we had an argument that I shouldn't even be here, that I should rather look after myself than him, that I am sick as well. I said back that it was after all his fault. Then we were sick and grumpy. Best combination ever. Recommend it 10 out of 10 you sweat even more."

"But one of the longest fights we had was at the beginning of my sixth year and his seventh and last year. At the beginning of summer he met my parents and went to a gathering with us and after that I haven't heard of him. No letter, no note, no meeting. It was as if he was swallowed by the ground."

"Then he had the audacity to do, as If nothing of the following happened and wanted to just kiss it out or whatever..."

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