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"Yeah," I mumble, leaning back in my chair looking at Aija through the mirror.

"That must have been horrible for the both of you," she still looks shocked.

I slowly nod, my eyes grow distant: "It was. I mean we were ready to share our luck and happiness with them. Normal parents would have been happy for that, for the fact that I found someone so lovable and amazing as he is. Someone who cares more than anyone else. However-"

"Not your kind of parents, who are completely maniac. I kind of can picture this," the woman rolls her trolley towards the table and opens small bags, searching through it for a comb.

"They are controlling and scheming. They won't do anything if it doesn't profit them. I learned this the hard way."

"What did they gain out of this arrangement then?"

"Power. Something they were both addicted to," I look at my pale hands.

Aija sighs and runs a hand through my hair, brushing through it slowly.

"Did you take a nap?"

"That obvious?," I look up.

"Oh no, just a few knots in there," she chuckles.

My cheeks go red.

"So what happened after that?"

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now