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~It just hurts~

I walk beside Sayo onto the train, carrying our luggage behind us, looking through the compartments for Samuel and Oliver. Sayo chats beside me what she did in her holidays since the last time I met with her and I try to follow along.

"Then my parents and I visited a zoo, a zoo is a big place with a lot of cages were they keep animals in. Different kinds, for you to look at and learn about. There I was able to pet a real snake, that was so cool, it even ate a whole mouse before. Did you know that they just need one mouse to approximately be fed for about a month? And- oh here they are," she pushes the door open: "Hello, missed me?"

"Like hell," Oliver mutters, getting himself a Sayo that places herself on his lab.

"I missed you too."

"Did you loose weight?," he asks irritated: "The last time you sat on me, you seemed heavier."

"I did," her face lights up: "Thank you for noticing, you do care about me."

She kisses him on the cheek, jumps up and puts her trunk and mine away, placing herself next to the door. Sayo loves to look out the compartment door, claiming she can always see the cute prefect patrolling the corridor.

I sit down next to the window and look outside at all the families that hug goodbye and the firsties who anxiously border the train. And is that a dog?

Soon the compartment door opens again and Sayo stands up, crossing her arms in front of her chest: "Not one step further."

George looks baffled and for a moment doesn't dare to move at all.

"Hey look who we have here, he isn't dead as predicted," Samuel announces.

"No I am not, can I please speak with Ally?," he tries.

"If you want to speak with her, you first gotta speak with me. You messed up big time," Sayo says sternly.

"Sayo, as much as I appreciate you, please stay out of this," George says looking pleadingly at me.

I want to, I really want to ignore him, but I can't. So I stand up in the end and go with him outside and close the compartment door.

I look at him serious, raising both eyebrows for an explanation.

"I am sorry for not writing to you, but there is a reason why I didn't. I haven't ignored you, I thought about you all summer long," he wants to step forward but my hand is blocking him.

I look up at him with hatred in my eyes, something that he isn't used to. And me neither.

"You tell me that you not being able to at least respond to one out of my many letters has a reason? Then go on and give me the perfect explanation."

"I can't tell you," his eyes look pleading.

I let out a cold laugh: "You can't tell me? George lie to someone else but not me. That shit is rad and if you haven't realized it I'm not taking it. So better tell me the real reason why you haven't written to me, or haven't tried to reach out. Just say to my face you lost interest or whatever, stop playing around."

"Ally, please believe me, I couldn't reach out to you. I would have done it if so. I did it last summer as well," he stutters out, looking everywhere but me, making me even more furious.

"AH yes last summer. Great right, uhm, but that was before you met my parents, before you figured out I let you wait until marriage to knock me up and before you decided to go to the gathering with me, realizing that I'm nothing of significance for you."

"I get it George. You met someone better or you realized that I am way more trouble worth it, that's fine, but stop playing with me," I take a deep breath feeling the start of tears building.

"Ally," he finally looks at me, his eyes full of sorrow: "Nothing of the following kept me away from you. Please I love you."

"Then just tell me what was so oh dear important that you left me going crazy. Do you have any idea how much lies I had to tell my parents? If they ever found out I'm doomed."

"I can't."

"Don't you trust me that much?"

"I do, I do trust you it's just...," he looks down at the floor again: "Can we just forget this and go on. I promise you, from now on I'll be there."

I swallow: "No step closer George. Play with any other girl who might fall for it like I did, but stop hurting me please."

Then I turn around leaving a sad looking George behind, slamming the door shut and sitting down, starring out of the window until he is gone, just then I let my tears fall. Sayo instantly is by my side and even Oliver who has no idea what happened tries to cheer me up.

It just hurts. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now