45 3 6

~You deserve better~

"You are here," George stands up from Samuels bed.

"I am here," I say taking a step towards him.

On George's face is spreading a smile. He looks happy and hopeful, to tell him my decision will break us for a final.

"And? What was the conclusion you came to? I'm tired of waiting any longer Ally," he grabs my hands.

"I get you and I am sorry for making you wait so long," I avoid looking at his eyes.

He realizes something is wrong.

"Did something happen Ally?"

You could say so. You could say that my parents made if awfully clear how much is at risk and how I would ruin everything once again with following my own rules. I wouldn't just ruin their lives, no also that of the Malfoys and those few people who work for either of them.

My actions could have severe consequences. Also to George. I know he said he wouldn't have a problem with leaving all behind as long as I would be there, but without his family to turn to, he sooner or later would be lonely. Even if I was there.

I know him long enough to say that he is a family person through and through and to see them just occasionally like Charlie does, isn't the right thing for him. I don't want to make him into someone he isn't.

I have to stop doing this to the both of us. Now. I have to stop being afraid of loosing him, because he will be loosing me in the end and it just wouldn't be fair to hurt him even more.

"Ally?," he sounds concerned.

I step back and let go of his hands.

"I'm sorry George. I can't do this."

"What do you mean?"

"I- we can't do this here any longer. This needs to stop. I will get married in two weeks. I will be a Malfoy and having you run after me doesn't do us good."

"What are you talking? We can still run away. Get away from this, be happy."

"George we won't be happy that way. If you don't want to admit it to yourself than fine, but I know it perfectly well that we won't find happiness on the long term."

The man sits down again, shock and hurt visible on his face.

"I won't run away with you George and by all means we can't get together any more. You know it, I know it and all of the other know it. We don't have a future, not as long as I am going to be a Malfoy. I am so, so, so sad that this- I mean that us- was stopped just like that. And- and- and," I search for words. 

"And before this here gets even more out of hand than it already is, I need to let you go. I need to let you go even if this is the hardest thing I ever had to do. Seeing and feeling you leave will be the death of a huge part in me."

"Then don't let me go," he pleads quietly.

He stands up again and goes towards me but I take a step back.

"Ally, we can do this. We can work this out, if we just-"

"No George," why does he have to make this so unbelievably hard:" We can't. Please stop fighting. I know for your whole life you had to fight for something, but now I ask you to stop."

He lets his hands drop in defeat.

"You have a right to be happy, to find love, to find someone with a better family. Someone you don't have to play someone else. You alone are an amazing person that deserves the world and I dearly hope that out there is a girl that could give all that to you."

"But I just want you," he says and I look up to meet his eyes.

"You have to let me go and find someone else that makes you feel loved and valued. It isn't fair to you to keep fighting a war that is already lost. You deserve so much better."

We are silent and just stare at each other. This time when he steps closer I don't move back. He takes my hands again.

"I love you," he says, wiping away some of my tears carefully.

"I love you too," I choke out.

He sniffs a bit, wetting his lips.

"I don't know if I have enough will to let you go," he admits.

"You have to try. That's the only way."

When he wants to lean down to kiss me again I step back.

"No, we can't do this any longer. I hope- I hope you will find what you are missing."

"Ally," he whispers.

"Goodbye George," I open the door and step outside, letting my tears and silent sobs go.

I wasn't aware that this could hurt so much. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now