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~Another catastrophe~

"So, being part of it isn't as great as stories make it, because sometimes you just can't remember it in detail, but other moments you can relieve all the time as if you were there. I wish I could tell you more about the battle itself, but it's all just too blurry," I apologize.

"No, really it's fine. I am amazed by what you all have achieved in the end. And glad of course," she stands up, pleased with the hair.

A knock on the door and then Oliver's head pops up.

"Hey, just checking how you are doing?," he comes in and closes the door behind him.

"Alright. I am almost finished," I stand up: "The venue, is it alright as well?"

"I checked, made the last touches as the list said, it should be alright yes," he nods, showing me every point he crossed out.

"Thank you."

"I can see why it took so long, but you guys need to hurry, you don't want to be too late," he points out.

"We just need the dress, the shoes and something old, then we have it," Aija reassures him.

"You look great," Oliver grins: "But hurry up now, we don't want another almost catastrophe, do we?"

"No," I shake my head: "We don't. Thank you for coming by, but I need to get into my dress now."

"Alright, until later," he winks and closes the door behind him.

"Almost catastrophe?"

"That is quite a funny story actually. I had to meet up with Draco for the wedding and at his place George showed up, we have overseen the time and almost messed up. His grandparents almost caught us if it wasn't for Theo back then."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now