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~The butterfly kiss~

"Why do professors always smell when we try to do something forbidden? They never patrolled around here usually," Sayo whispers stopping us from making any step further.

We all peak around the corner, Flitwich is currently having a quiet conversation with a portrait about the current news of Sirius Black. Yes we do get it, this is serious business, however, why do they suddenly freak out about it and put guards everywhere? Even the ghosts were told to guard hidden paths.

This is Hogwarts, in all honesty not the safest place as everyone claims it to be, nevertheless still too filled with spectacular wizards and witches for Black to even have a chance against. I don't see why they are all so scared. There are even bloody dementors outside.

"What are we gonna do now? In the other corridor I saw Sprout, no chance we can get past her and I really don't want to anger her, I like her too much for that," I say putting some hair behind my ear.

"You and your endless love for Herbiology will be the death of me one day," Marietta mutters annoyed.

"Why did you even invite her with us," I look at Cho.

"Because she is still our friend," Cho leans against the wall, looking at us.

"But she is no fun," Sayo whines.

In response Marietta just rolls her eyes. She can be so moody at times, that's insane. She claims that my plants in our dorm put her into a bad mood, because they ruin the aesthetic. They don't. My plants are beautiful and nothing can change that. They are my wonderful babies and no one insults them even if they try to kill you.

Okay it could have happened that once they almost killed Marietta. But just almost, so I don't see the harm.

Suddenly someone clears their throat, we all look around quickly.

"Merlin?," Sayo looks up to a portrait bewildered.

"You guys don't try to get into the classroom at the end of the corridor by any chance?," he looks at each of us.

"What if we did try to get into that particular classroom?," I ask.

"Then I have good news for you, down the hall are other students who try to get that way. Go that way and I speak to Sprout maybe giving her false information and she'll leave her position and you guys sneak past her as quickly as possible. How does that sound?"

"That sounds like the coolest wizard of all times, like fuck yeah," Sayo grins.

Pleased with himself and the compliment, Merlin nods and disappears to another portrait, careful not to wake anyone. We nox our wands and walk slowly towards the end of the hall, just to meet Samuel and Oliver.

When we get the sign that Sprout left we sprint towards the end of the corridor and knock at the locked door with the secret message. The door opens and we all squeeze our way in, letting go a revealed breath for not being caught.

"I swear, this gets harder every time," Oliver comments looking at all the ones present.

"I almost got caught by Lupin today," Miranda a Hufflepuff a year above us says.

"There are literally everywhere, do they even sleep?," a Slytherin I don't know too well comments.

"At the looks of Snape, I'd say no," a Weasley twin says.

"No, he just always looks like he's dying," the other one says.

"Did you have any trouble?," Angelina stands up going towards the door.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now