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~This horrible moment~

I sneaked outside my room into the hallway up to the Saloon. I just heard men arrive and they aren't actually quiet while talking, so they itched my curiosity. Not only because I give that information strictly towards the order. My position makes it possible for me to get at least glimpses out of the plans of Death Eaters.

Although my father isn't one himself, doesn't that stop him in providing necessary tools for them. He is a smart man though. The man doesn't want to claim himself in the public eye, saying that if he does, the normal citizens will be suspicious against him and he won't be as useful as he is now for them. The Dark Lord and his followers believed him.

I wouldn't have done that. The only reason he doesn't want to be known for a provider and helper of theirs is, if they should fall nobody would know he was part of it and his name is clean, his reputation saved. However, if they might win, he could also claim what good of a help he was in trying and hard times, ensuring him a place alongside his Death Eaters.

My father will always be an egotistical git. Just doing what is best for him and maybe for mother. Even that is rare.

"We need your surveillance. What did you find out about the trials of the Muggleborns under Umbridge?," one of the cloaked figures asks.

"She does her job correctly and without batting an eyelid at the crying and devastated people. You have chosen the right one for that job, she trusts you blind enough and is in the firm belief that she will help to create a new world," father says.

"We will create a new world," the other says cold.

"Of course, I beg your pardon in my unfeasible word choice," Father responds just as coldly: "Although I heard about a resent mishap of hers. Is that why this investigation is being made?"

"The current appearance of Potter in her department and the escape of the three made us question her dustiness'."

"She can certainly hold trials and follow rules, but to think on her own she is incapable of," father comments.

Well that is one thing he finally is right.

"That's why we will take further action now. The prison gets a bit filled, don't you think Greyback?," one laughs nastily, bringing me goosebumps all over my body.

"I haven't had a meal in some time," he laughs.

This is a laugh I will never forget. I let go a gasp and run back into my room, instantly writing a letter to let the order know, to let them do something against this. There are so many innocent people locked up at that horrible place, to get them killed so cruelly is beyond the meanest they could do.

What monsters are they?

Who is capable of such a thing?

No one with a right mind, and yet people let them rule.

This is insane.

However, I wasn't able to send the letter in time and warm then, because when I managed to find our owl and escape the house to send it while facing the fear of getting caught and punished myself, it was already too late.

The men already were on their way to Azkaban and when members of the order apparated there secretly, it was already done.

George knew that Sayo was placed in Azkaban and went with them, he saw her. When he told it to me in a letter, that she was part of half of the people who were brutally murdered, I broke down. I was numb for days.

I didn't even have the energy to sneak away to meet up with the order, I was useless for a long time. Because I was too slow and scared. That all those people had to give their lives was partly my fault. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now