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~The order~

"I can see why you thought it had something to do with it."

"I blamed myself for losing something so unbelievably important to me and still was angry at him for just leaving."

"When did you forgive him again?"

"The moment I realized that even his friends have no clue where he and Fred where. When I overheard Harry say towards Ron that he is still a bit bitter about the fact Ron hasn't written all summer long, I started to realize he was telling me the truth."

"But you can't blame me for not believing his friends earlier. They all looked at each other and laughed when they said it. It looked like they all were part of a giant prank of George's."

"What was the real reason they all couldn't reach out?"

"They were with the order. Top secret the whole thing. No one was allowed to say a thing. I got to meet them when Dumbledore died. On his funeral George and Fred pulled me aside and I got to meet them. It was a crazy day overall."

"I can imagine," Aija gets another brush.

"To get filled in with all the details was an astonishing amount of information. I needed a whole day process what I just learned. I was eighteen after all, so I were old enough to join this movement and I did. Sayo, Samuel and Oliver did become a part of it too."

"We all played different roles, I was more of a spy in the Death Eater rows, meanwhile Sayo kept an eye out for the muggle part and muggleborns at that, Samuel helped the twins with the technology and Oliver got himself a job in the ministry."

"Safe to say I felt the most useless out of all, I barely got anything new to contribute. Nevertheless, it was an exciting but scary thing to get into and that is one of the only things I ever did behind my parent's backs without them noticing. I am quite proud of that actually."

"So without this order the war wouldn't be over?"

"Without everyone this war wouldn't be over. Every person contributed to it. Without them we wouldn't have been able to get that far and they wouldn't have been able to get to information that we could give Harry, who was on Horcux hunt."

"Even without Death Eaters we wouldn't be there we are currently. I mean Draco threw his wand at Harry in front of the Dark Lord, making the biggest treason of all time and risking his life during the process."

"Wow. So there is an ounce of good in that boy?"

"There is more than one ounce actually."

Aija bites on her lip: "Did you ever like Draco before all of that arranged thing?"

"Honestly? I didn't know him enough to dislike or like him. I had my reasons to avoid him, mainly because of what he does to the Weasley's, however, apart of that he never did anything to me. We simply saw each other on the corridors and sometimes at a gathering, but we never really interacted or talked."

"That's why having to engage myself with him was hard to come around to. I would have understood Roger, we had a lot to do with being in the same house, I would have understood Blaise, we danced every party evening together and somehow ended up enjoying each other's company, but Draco was just too weird at first."

"Did Roger's family ever get into the bad side?"

"Nobody knows, they fled the country when the Death Eaters took over the ministry."

"And Blaise's?"

"Got into this huge dispute with the public eye, but his mother had other plans. She simply married someone in the ministry and Blaise being Blaise doesn't show if this annoys him or not."

"Did Draco ever tell you if he agreed with this plan?"

"He told me himself he rather wouldn't have it, but we both knew there was hardly any way out of this misery, so we simply played along..."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now