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~The times we didn't care~

"After that date followed many others and each of them ended with making me feel giddy and overly excited. When I saw him inside School, was it on my way to classes or simply at the Great Hall for dinner, my stomach exploded into millions of butterflies bringing a lovesick smile on my face."

"Everytime George shot me a grin as well, I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter while starring at those magnificent lips. The colour on my cheeks got so bad sometimes that even Cho started to tease me because of my obvious crush."

"I just couldn't stop the reaction this boy had on me."

"At nights I sometimes woke up sweaty having dreams of him I would have never dared to admit to somebody. I was desperate for a kiss of him. However, the boy never made and obvious move and usually just teased about kissing me when he didn't in the end. He was driving me crazy."

"At one date, you could call it like that, we were sitting on a window still, leaning against each other while our legs dangled in the air as we watched the sun disappear behind the trees. Everything was touched in golden colours."

"If a professor had seen us back them, I'm sure they would have scolded us for being so irrational and sitting in front of an open window of that height, but we didn't care less."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now