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~Bad Feng Shui, but with previliges~

There is a knock on the door, both of us turn towards the door.

"Come in," I say drying the last of my tears with a napkin.

The door opens and Samuel pops his head into the room, wearing the biggest grin on his face, lighting the dark mood in here without realizing.

"Hello gorgeous, your savior is here," he grins.

"Get in," I smile: "Do you have the dress?"

"What do you think of me? Of course I don't have it- Just kidding, please don't kill me. Here," he holds the dress bag up.

"Not the right time to joke with the pretty tensed bride," Aija laughs and stands up.

"As if I couldn't do something as simple as this," he closes the door behind him.

"Can you put it into the closet please?," I point into the direction.

"Sure thing," he looks around: "I hoped I would see you more dolled up already, you know having VIP privileges and such."

"We have plenty of time left, stop stressing," Aija points at him: "We don't need bad Feng shui in here."

The man runs a hair through his curls and nods: "My bad. This reminds me of the bad Feng shui you brought along in fourth year," he laughs.

"You need to be a bit more specific, I have plenty of those moments in my mind."

"The time you prevented Fred and George to get caught by McGonagall and Kathie almost threw a fit, because once again we dragged her into something forbidden."

I laugh alongside him: "That poor poor girl. Aija, you need to know she was my roommate, we never were really close, she had her own friend group and all, but it happened once or twice that she was part of something she never even wanted to witness."

"Such as being co-perpetrator in one of the glory plans of the twins. Weren't we four, you, Sajo, Kathie and I walking towards Defense when we found the two of them charming plants to throw Slytherins out of the way?"

"Yes it was Defense, because we arrived very late there, but Lupin didn't say anything back then. He just smiled to himself and told us to sit down."

"That man, I'm sure, did something similar in his school time. He suspiciously knew very clearly how such a spell needs to be done when we asked him," Samuel laughs, putting the dress into the closet.

"Strangely enough the twins figured this spell out soon after," I comment.

"Sayo explained to them, how they need to do it, but when the first Slytherin, I guess it was Pucey, crashed into a wall because of those plants they served months of detention," Samuel grins.

"Maybe we shouldn't have helped them escape McGonagall the first time, could have prevented some danger," I snicker.

"Was worth it," his smile fades a bit: "Especially Kathie's rant about how much of a bad Feng Shui we are and Sayo particularly screaming at her that she is the center of everything good so she is balancing this shit out."

"Sayo didn't take any bullshit."

It is quiet for a short time before Samuel clears his throat pointing at the dress once again.

"So, the dress made it here safely, like I promised. Maybe I had quick sneak peek. It looks outstanding," Samuel gives me a smile.

"Thank you," I let go a breath, my hands start to shake a bit, I'm not ready.

"Hey no need to be nervous Al, this is basically just a catwalk to show off how good you look and then you go back with an unnecessary accessory," the boy jokes, making me laugh a bit.

"The long hair suits you," I comment and wave him over.

I ruffle through his hair, a habit I gained at the time in Hogwarts. More than once you found us randomly sitting somewhere and me running a hand through his locks, because apparently that calmed me.

"Thanks," he winks: "makes me even more of a natural beauty."

"You really have great hair," Aija suddenly touches it as well, being completely focused on it.

"As much as I enjoy hands in my hair, I should get back to the others and get ready," he says, then he grabs my hand: "Don't worry Ally, everything will be alright."

"Samuel," he turns around: "Tell Penelope she looks beautiful. I saw a glimpse of her earlier."

"I'll do," he grins and closes the door behind him.

"Penelope?," Aija raises an eyebrow.

"His girlfriend," I simply explain and stand up to look at the dress once more.

Aija in the meantime arranges everything she needs for my hair, to make it as good looking as possible. Satisfied with the dress, I snatch a glass of prosecco and take a sip, sitting back down again. 

"So when did you and George then start to get feelings for each other? What I heard now, it seems more like you just randomly knew each other but nothing more?," Aija makes herself a coffee asking me if I want one too.

"We never really had that much to do with each other, we just sometimes met in the hallways or at a game night or party, but we didn't interact with one another. We both had our friends and all."

"However, it was when I was in my fourth year, he was already in his fifth, when at least I started to catch some kind of feelings.We played spin the bottle in an empty classroom..."

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