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~You are killing me~

All you could hear were faint giggles and snickers that echoed through the empty corridors as we run up the stairs to the Gryffindor tower. Most of the students are currently in Hogsmeade and it feels like we have the whole castle to ourselves again.

When skitter to a halt in front of the portrait that marks the entrance. She gives both of us a reprobative look, knowing fully well that I am not a Gryffindor.


George turns to me: "Put your fingers in your ears."


"Make sure you can't hear the password, I don't need you to have access to there all the time and I'm certain once you hear it your Ravenclaw brain will never forget it."

I sigh and do as told, even facing away from him. A tap on the shoulder tells me I can turn around again and follow him inside. This is my first time in the Gryffindor tower and the difference to ours amazes me. There aren't really any windows and it isn't really bright and airy, it's more crammed and overwhelming, but warm and cozy nevertheless.

A few first years look in our way, but we just proceed to walk up the stairs. Even the stairs are different, we have wooden one's and not stone.

"Tadaa, this is our mess of a room, please get in and make yourself comfortable," George announces.

I step into the room and it surprisingly looks clean. Well almost if you oversee the one or the other sock that lies around on the floor and the obvious clothing chair in the corner.

"Which one is yours?," I ask him, pointing at the different beds in here.

"That one," he points at it: "Why-"

I already shove him in the direction of the bed and kiss him eagerly, letting his back hit the soft caress of the mattress and place myself above him to straddle him. If we have a whole room to ourselves, we sure shall make the best out of it.


We both lie cuddled up in his bed, our lips red and swollen from the impact of our make out session. I realize that we never actually lied beside one another and really start to enjoy it.

"If someone would come in now, I guess they would think something completely differently than to what actually happened," George speaks up after a while of silence, running his fingertips up and down my spine.

"We would need to be naked for them to believe something like that, also if Sayo comes in she would know nothing had happened and will happen."

"What why?," the boy looks at me bewildered making me chuckle.

I turn on my back and George sits up to look at me.

"I want to save up till marriage. That is something I committed myself to a long time ago," I answer, pulling legs up.

George mind rattles and he slowly nods along to himself.

"Okay that's fine. We can do that."

I smile at him.

"I guess Lee can get a license for being a priest in three days, so how about we marry on Tuesday?," he looks at me suggestively.

I start to laugh: "You are unbelievable Weasely."

"Hey I mean," he takes me by my torso and pulls me down a bit, putting himself on top: "where would be the harm in that?"

"We are way too young, I'm nowhere near interested in getting married any time soon and even though I have to restrain all my strength to resist you, I think we can wait a bit longer mh?," I run a hand through his hair, pushing the red curls away.

George sighs: "Maybe you are right, so the wedding in four weeks then?"

"More like four years and then we can talk about it," I rub the back of his neck with my thumb.

"You are killing me woman," he groans but grins nevertheless. 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now