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~When the war is over~

"It is about time you will join us," a woman says to my father.

They are gathered in the saloon, I was able to pretend I am sleeping. Now I stand behind the wall, safely hidden and listening. Anything they say could be useful. We need something to be ahead of them. Things are getting critical.

"Of course," father answers: "I can see where you are coming from and we agree to your conditions. Gloria and I will be joining you."

"Perfect," the woman laughs: "AHH Scrabior, it's about time."

The shadow I see of the woman shows me that she holds up her arm and licks over it with her tongue. I am assuming it is the mark that started to move.

"He is calling us, we need to go."

"We see you there," the man points at both of my parents.

"Young mistress, what are you doing here?," Olaf quietly pipes up, scaring me.

I let go a breath: "Merlin Olaf."

"I beg your pardon," he bows.

"I have a bad feeling. Olaf, I order you to do something now. Something that is of high priority and no matter what my parents have ordered isn't in charge any longer okay?"

"Yes," he bows again and salutes.

"Good. I order you to find all house elves in this home and bring them somewhere safe. I order you to stay away and in safety. That is your only duty. Please Olaf, can you do that for me?"

His eyes grow wide, but he nods eagerly: "I will not let the young mistress down. Olaf will do his duty with one hundred percent concentration."

"Thanks Olaf," I smile at him.

I hear an apparition plop from the Saloon, meaning both of the Death Eaters disappeared. I retreat to my room, preparing myself to write a letter, when in the old radio I got from Arthur speaks up Lee's voice. Harry is in Hogwarts.

I need to be quick now. I pack my bag with the most important stuff I need and grab my wand. Trying to apparate away is useless, my parents placed a ban around the house for me or anyone else that is unwanted to apparate in here.

Opening the door carefully and stepping out in the corridors in search for Dotty I can hear my parents downstairs. They seem to be stressed.

"Alkyone?," mother shouts.

I don't stop, I just move forward ignoring her.

"Alkyone come down!"


"THIS IS URGENT," father speaks up: "Come down now."

"OLAF! Bring her here!," mother demands.

Just that Olaf won't appear. I smile to myself and make my downstairs on the other side of the house, when I hear footsteps on the other staircase. I have a feeling where the house elves could be. I just need Dotty to bring me away.

"ALKYONE? WHERE ARE YOU," father seems angry, but I won't turn back now.

Not this time.


I land in the middle of a meeting. Somewhere in the Hog's head.

"I am sorry young mistress," Dotty squeals.

"No Dotty, thank you," I bring myself onto my knees: "Now go back and hide. Take care."

Dotty wipes away a tear: "Better come back."

With a plop she's gone. All eyes are on me. This is uncomfortable, I stand up with the help of some older lady.

"Thank you," I say: "Sorry for being late, I had some trouble apparating away."

"Ally!," George pushes his way through the crowd and hugs me.

I take in his scent: "What did I miss?"

"Harry is currently after something, something that helps him defeat you-know-who. He is in the room of requirement. We only wait for Kingsley and then we go through that portrait hole straight to them and prepare for a fight."

"Okay so you-know-who hasn't appeared in Hogwarts yet?"

"Correct," Lupin says.

"Good, but he is very well calling in all his members. So we don't have much time left."

"The ministry is taking precautions that you-know-who will be ruling after the possible death of Harry Potter," Kingsley comes in with Oliver by his side who looks way too focused.

"Great timing Kingsley," Arthur says:" Now we can go."

An older man, turning out to be Aberforth Dumbledore leads us. We are all tensed and stressed, scared of what will come and how we can prevent an upcoming war or the number of people who might die.

When we appeared in the room of requirement many students who tried to stand up against the school where there. They cheer once they see us. I can't help but feel a bit of dread. They really had to live in this hell almost a year.

Harry explains briefly what is going on and what he is up to, but then all students are called into the Great Hall. We wait. We wait for a signal to come out and back them up.

"Ally?," George takes my hand and pulls me away from the crowd.

"Yes?," I look at him.

"I- if something happens in this war and I-," he searches for words.

I know exactly what he means.

I swallow: "I love you too, but try to stay alive for me okay?"

He breaths out: "I don't want to miss waking up next to you, seems worth living."

We smile at each other. I put my arms around his neck and pull him down a bit for a long kiss that was very much needed. We didn't even realize there already was a sign until Fred and Lee both poke us back into reality.

The war itself was wild and fast. Most of it I can't even recall any more, it was too much. I had to fight against people I had to dance with on parties and I shot at them with such a delight.

"This is for every time your fucking hand that landed on my bum instead my waste, you fucking creep," I scream out and throw him back into a wall, knocking him out.

All went by fast, even when I got into the Great Hall to find out Fred was dead. My feelings were a mess. At one point my heart was full with happiness at the fact that George was living, but it was sad at everything else around me.

Then when the news got announced that Harry apparently was dead the world slowed down. It felt like I was frozen. I couldn't do anything, not even then when the fight took place again. I stayed back with George at Fred's corpse and watches as Harry defeated Voldemort for the last time.

So much was sacrificed for this moment and why didn't it feel like an achievement back then?

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now