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~Let's run away~

The Malfoy Manor is so much bigger than the house we have. It is clean, distant and cold.

Every time I come to this place, I am happy to leave it again. It is the unfamiliar atmosphere that makes me go crazy in so many ways.

I am always worried I might do something that upsets Narcissa or the old Malfoy's that are in charge now until Draco gets married.

The thought that this stern and tense atmosphere will still be there after I have married Draco scares me. I don't want to continue to live the life I had before.

Marriage should have helped me get out of it, not getting me into it further.

Just like now: The old Malfoys luckily aren't home and Narcissa has some duties to do with them. Which gives me at least a bit comfort and by the looks of it even Draco seems a bit calmer.

None of that was ever when I was with the Weasleys. You just felt at home. Their cramped and overfilled rooms showed some personality and warmth, you had so much to look at and learn about. Even if George wasn't there I didn't have the urge to run away.

At the de la Santos I could let lose completely every time I visited them. I never questioned my behaviour when I was around them, I knew they'd accept me regardless.

Playing with the hem of my shirt I look at Draco who sits opposite of me. Today he is wearing a very nice suit, his hair has gotten a bit longer but it compliments him so well and his blue eyes have a certain intensity you just have to be captivated by them.


"Mhm?," he crosses one leg over the other and leans back.

"Do you ever want to have children?," I have to ask that eventually.

Both of us try to avoid uncomfortable questions by any means, but they need to be done in order for us to work out. Whatever the definition of working this here out means.

"Yes. I have thought about it a lot before. First a child was always just for the purpose to have an heir, but since some time I can see myself having a little me around here, that hopefully does better than me."

"You aren't as bad as you make yourself Draco."

"Maybe not now, but I sure did things I regret looking back now."

"That's good," I smile at him, taking my glass of water:" That only means you have grown as a person. That's the good thing about life, we can grow and evolve with every step we take."

He gives me a weak smile too: "Good to know that my future wife is good at pep talks."

We chuckle a bit and I place my water back down.

"How about you? Do you want to have children?"

"Eventually, but not now. I want to live and get to know myself first before I get responsible for another human being."

"You know that they expect an heir from us soon?"

"I know. Another thing I have to grow used to then. At least I am reassured now that the father will be a good one," I smile sadly.

"Even if I still have trouble figuring out what is good and what is bad?"

"Well, we can leave that part to me and you can do the rest."

"Sounds like a lot of work for me then," he smirks.

"You wanted to be the one in charge so there you go."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now