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~The start of a new life~

I look at myself in the mirror. My hair doesn't have any volume in it yet and I look a bit tired. Nothing make-up couldn't change.

I'm nervous, scared and unsure. How will I survive this day? I take deep breaths. Today is the day I will marry. I will finally make the final move. There is no turning back now.

We have planned this out well enough to work, but will it ever be enough for my parents? I doubt it. I'm not at my best, something they will hold against me.

The sun shines through the open window, lighting up the floor, a part of the dresser and half of myself. The warmth it brings me calms me down a bit.

The room is pretty simple. In the corner stands a trolley with food and drinks, of which I was unable to eat anything, a big closet to put in my wedding dress later, a sofa to lie on and take a quick nap, which I definitely took a use of and then the dresser with a big mirror above it. In the corner is the cheval mirror surrounded with extra lights.

Closing my eyes, I take in the last bit of peace before this whole show will start to go down. Mentally I'm going through everything that still needs to be done today before the wedding starts around midday.

The good thing some of my friends will be there hopefully, something my parents luckily didn't have a say in. I don't want to miss them on such a big event.

Samuel is on dress duty, Lee looks after the flower arrangements, Blaise checks if the right food was ordered, Oliver checks the venue and Theo makes the last touches in the church.

I'm forever grateful they offered their help before they get ready themselves so I can fully concentrate on getting ready myself. Mentally and physically.

The door opens and Aija, my hairdresser comes in with large bags and a luggage trolley for all of her stuff. I know Aija for a short time, but she is such a nice and talented person, I wouldn't want anybody else to do my hair and make-up and help me get ready.

I stand up and greet her with a hug: "Thank you for taking your time."

"Well, you are paying me, so I better take my time," she laughs, putting her bags down.

"Nervous?," she eyes me.

"Very,"I admit.

"No need to, I make you incredibly pretty in no time," she winks.

I give her an insecure smile, helping her put all her stuff out.

"It's normal for the bride to be nervous," she reassures me, straightening herself up.

"Yes I know, but this here is a different kind of nervous you know. Do you want something to drink?," I offer her something from the trolley in the room.

"Thank you, I'd gladly help myself to something," Aija reaches for the cupcakes and a glass of juice.

I start to pace around nervously in the room.

"What's on your mind?," Aija looks at me curiously.

"What if this doesn't work out?," I blurt out.

I can feel myself getting cold feet, paralyzed with fear.

"Ally, this will work out."

"But what if it doesn't?"

Aija sighs.

"No I'm serious here. This is rather important and something important hasn't worked out before," I take a deep breath.

"Care to explain what exactly you mean?"

"Yes, but the question is how much time do you got?"

She laughs: "As long as you pay me sweety."

I have to smile, sure.

"Okay then..."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now