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~He is ruining the aesthetic~

"Ally, hey," Sayo my best friend kneels down in front of me, placing her hands on my tights looking me closely: "This will be fine."

I can't manage to look at her, the tears just roll down my cheeks and no matter how much I wipe away they return.

"Ally," Samuel, my other best friend starts ruffling my hair: "Try to breathe in and out, that might help."

I'm glad they are currently here, but they aren't really helpful I have to admit. He's saying that as if I'm not breathing.

"Come let's do it together," he offers and takes in a deep breath, Sayo instantly does it as well, pointing to me to do it also.

I give it a shot and take in a deep wobbly breath. If someone would walk by right now they think we are maniacs, both my beautiful friends make identical hand movements to signal the breathing speed and I look like an absolute mess.

When calmed down a bit and I am able to wipe my tears away completely, Sayo pats me one last time on my tights giving me a reassuring smile: "Better?"

I nod.

"Samuel?," she looks up at the boy: "Help me up please, my legs fell asleep."

The boy laughs and pulls her up. His dimples show up and he makes room for her on the bench we currently sit on.

Samuel has a really kind heart and is a very caring soul, but if I had to choose one adjective to describe him then it would be curious. He always wants to know more, especially when it started to itch him into liking the topic. It is insane how fast he can grasp certain information.

Aside from his interesting personality, he also has an interesting face. His short curly hair really frame his sun kissed face and bring out the best features. He always claims his nose is way too big for his face, but I beg to differ. It is his nose and I wouldn't want any other nose to see on this wonderful face. That's what is Latina Mother gave him and he better owns that.

I love his mother dearly with her temperament and open minded soul. When she gives you a hug you always feel motivated. For what? I have no clue, you just feel the vibe.

On the other hand, you have Sayo. My wonderful, wonderful Sayo. I'm grateful she came into my life and decided to speak to me at the first dinner in Hogwarts. There I learned very early how energetic and full of sun she is. She can brighten up your mood with all her craziness.

You better bet when Sayo is there, that there is fun. She never misses a chance to party. Never. However, whatever you do, never underestimate her, because even if she is having fun, she can solve the biggest riddles. This girl is goal orientated and smart. She works hard to reach her goals, but wouldn't put down an opportunity to let loose.

Her appearance screams sunshine as well. On her rather round face is mostly a warm smile plastered, it's her natural expression, which alone is impressive and her dark eyes are full of warmth as well. I adore her. Every little thing of her.

The girl squeezes between Samuel and me, closing her eyes and letting the sun kissing her face.

"Will you tell us what is wrong?," Samuel asks me.

I swallow, shaking my head. I'm not able to talk about that just yet.

"That's fine. Just know that we are here for you alright?," he says, reaching out for my hand and squeezing it.

"Thank you guys," I start to tear up again.

"No more tears hun," Sayo quickly gives me a hug: "Your pretty face doesn't need to be puffed any more, understood. I said understood?"

I nod, calming in her embrace a bit more.

"Did you hear what happened to Oliver?"

"No, what happened?" Sayo asks.

"He got injured at Quidditch practice today and he shredded his broom."

The girl gasps: "Is he alright?"

Samuel nods: "Pomfrey keeps him for a checkout, but she's positive he is out of the Hospital Wing by tomorrow."

"We need to pay him a visit. Ally is it alright for you if we go and-"

"Of course," I give them a small smile: "I'll follow soon."

Sayo gives me another hug before she and Samuel disappear. I pull up my knees and hug them. It is a beautiful day today and normally I would visit Oliver in an instant after hearing something like this, but I need time alone. I need time to sort out my thoughts and ever growing sorrows.

After some time of me reflecting I hear banter and laughter from afar, soon the Weasley Twins appear. It is hard to keep them apart if you don't have anything to do with them on a daily basis. I guess it would be different if I had any classes with them and yet I'm happy I don't have that, because they definitely would be much of a distraction.

I try not to look at them, to mind my own business, but not with the twins. Both of them settle next to me once they had seen me.

"Look who we have here," one says smiling.

"A Ravenclaw," the other one grins pulling on my tie.

"What is on your mind to be so sorrowful and a wonderful day like this?"

"I'm not sorrowful," I defend.

"Yeah sure, go tell our dead grandmother that," one says.

"That obvious?," I give in.

"Not really, just your smeared mascara told it all," the other one teases.

"But not that we wouldn't say-"

"That it doesn't look good on you"

"It does."

"If that is a new look, we dig it."

"Wouldn't really try it myself, I'm more of an eyeliner guy."

"He is"

"But you can totally pull that off"


"Just the next time you want to go for the crazy look, go for more wild hair like this," he ruffles his hair and now it stands in every direction.

"And of course you need more loose clothes," the other unties is tie and ties it around the forehead of the other one.

"That would have been perfect," he winks.

I give them a small smile. Both stop with what they are doing and look at each other with worried glances.

"Normally that works to cheer up people."

"Did something happen?"

"Kind of, but really nothing of interest for you," I say, leaning my head against the wall behind me.

"Well smeared mascara Ravenclaw girl," he puts his arm around my shoulder and points towards the Black Lake: "Would you look at this wonderful view ahead of us, you see all those components that together create this meaningful play of light, showing us some real beauty and argh.

A Slytherin walked into his 'view', to walk past, minding his own business.

"Well that certainly wasn't a beauty, boy shocked me with some real pain for the eye right there. Almost didn't see that bloke blending in with the green of the grass. You see those gits outside now too? Well that definitely caught me off guard. I beg your pardon."

The way he expresses himself and teased this guy who minutes earlier maybe made my life a living hell, made me chuckle. The face of the boy lightens up next to me.

"There you go, I like that smile way better than the frown actually," he shoots me a smile himself before standing up with his brother.

"We'll see you around mascara girl," he waves and off they went. 

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