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~Throwing fists is hot~

Gasping sounds make its way through the stands. All eyes are darted to where George lets his fists meet with Draco's face. Over and over again.

Fred is held back by Angelina, Katie and Alicia, trying to get free from their grip. He looks mad.

What the hell is happening?

Even Potter who usually goes out the way of every argument is in the middle, helping out George. Whatever Draco said this time it must have been massive.

"I'm sorry, I know he is your boyfriend and all, but I am horny for George Weasley. How could you resist that?," Sayo points at the fight that's been given.

"Sayo, something like that isn't to be sexualized, get yourself together," I mumble my eyes still darted on George.

"If this shouldn't be sexualized, then it shouldn't be that hot," she runs a hand through her hair:" Plus points because it is Malfoy. Now they should move on to Flint next please."

"Someone should do something. George is a seventh year and a good beater at that, he can cause severe damage on Draco," Samuel speaks up.

"Stop ruining the fun," Sayo says.

"Look Hooch finally interferes," I point out: " Oh no. They are bringing both of them away. Which office do you reckon?"

"Usually the head of house, so McGonagall I assume," Oliver says.

"I need to find him."

"First lets go down to see if they need something," Sayo grabs my hand when the crowd finally starts moving.

The four of us make our way down onto the pitch towards the group of very angered players.

"I could have killed this excuse of a human," Fred exclaims, his head red and his veins on the arms popping out.

"Good thing we held you back then, can't imagine what will happen now to the whole team," Alicia mutters.

"Good Godric, if I lose this bloody cup because of your egos, I will personally slaughter you," Angelina is furious.

"I mean that would be good for me and my team then though," Oliver says: "So why couldn't you let him go and finish this boy?"

Angelina throws him a glare and storms off, the girls following to calm her down.

"Fred do you ne-"

"Thanks Ally, but leave me alone please," Fred goes past us and we look after him.

"He looks done, one hundred per cent done," Sayo states.

"I would do too if my brother and best seeker just got lead into an office for a personal talk. Chances are high after what happened that they aren't allowed to play the next game or something," Samuel analyzes.

"Goyle or was it Grabbe? Whoever of the two hit Harry with the bugler that hard in the end need at least the same fair punishment," I declare.

"Yeah, good luck with that," Sayo laughs.


"Calm down, Merlin's sake!," I look at George who punches the wall with his fist.

"Fuck," he screams out shaking his hand, seeing blood coming from the bruises on his knuckles.

"Sit down please. George would you just sit down! Let me look at the wounds of yours," I point at the bench in the corridor before me.

"You didn't hear him. You didn't hear all the stuff he said," George mumbles, rubbing his hand, avoiding to look at me.

"No I didn't. But I hope you will tell me once you calmed down," I say.

He finally sits down. I kneel down in front of him and carefully place my hand on his chin and move his face to look at me. In his eyes is a display of hurt and anger, his nose seems a bit swollen and his lip has a nasty cut.

"How does it feel?," I ask pressing a cloth carefully against the cut.

He hisses a bit, but doesn't say anything. I clean of the cut a bit and take both of his bruised and bust open hands in mine to wipe of the blood as well.

I accidently put too much pressure onto it, because the other hand moves on top of mine. I look up at him.

"Sorry," I say.

"Did you see when one of this gargoyles threw the bugler?"

"Yes I did see it, everyone saw it, but that isn't a reason to almost kill someone."

"Perhaps not, but it bloody well is when he starts to insult your family," he tenses again.

I stroke his hand softly and grabbing with my other hand his cheek.

"What did he say?"

"I'd rather not repeat that."

"I know for a fact that whatever he said isn't true. We talk about Draco here, all his family stand upon are lies. You can't expect much anyways and the important people in your life know the truth. The truth about this, about your wonderful family."

We stare at each other for some time before our lips crash onto the other. But then I taste blood and George winces and soon I find myself pressing a cloth against his mouth looking apologetic again.

That was the day, George Fabius Weasley, declared a lifelong hatred towards Draco Malfoy. 

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