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~The human version of No~

I empty the content of my glass and place it down onto the table.

"Seems like a lot of drama continued to happen then," Aija comments standing up and walking towards the closet to get the dress out.

"That is an understatement. First it was just trying to convince our parents that this marriage arrangement won't do us any good. Neither me nor the reputation of the Malfoys. Then we tried to convince them that George and I are inseparable. We even went and showed them ways how we could help out the Malfoys regardless, without a marriage. Nothing of the following worked."

"They shrugged it off, punished me for being ungrateful and disobeying and George got banished. I think my parents lost patience completely with us when George appeared at a meeting. I should have to discuss our living arrangement with the Malfoys and my parents when George decided to show up with Lee. It was a huge mess."

"My parents since then usually locked me inside my room to make sure I can't run away. I was just allowed to be with Malfoy or anyone else my parents approved of."

"If you want the human version of a 'no', my parents are it."

"I remember," Aija says taking the dress out: "when I was a Teenager and my Dad had something against this boy I dated, he hated me to see him as well, but never went that drastic. He tried to talk me out of it and disliked me meeting up with him, placed some regulations, but he let me do my thing since it was my life."

"That sounds like something decent and nice," I say: "Better way than to arrange a marriage with another bloke. What happened to that boy?"

"My Dad grew to like him, we were together for a long time actually," Aija laughs.

"Why did you break up?"

"It didn't work out any more. We have evolved different passions and directions we wanted to go in life. He wanted to stay in America and I wanted to move to Britain. We figured this can't work out any longer and simply as that broke up."

The woman pulls the bag off the dress and gasps: "This looks gorgeous. Ally, you will look absolutely amazing!"

"Thank you," I smile and pulling off my clothes I wear until I am in just my underwear to get into that dress.

"If you hardly had time outside on your own, how did you manage to meet up with George a week later? Or was that the reason why you didn't run away?"

"No, I did meet up with him. Samuel and Oliver came over actually and convinced my parents to let me go with them. They knew them already and Oliver was coming from an almost all-pureblood family, so they decided it would be alright."

"Just that the boys arranged a meeting with me and George to finally talk things out. I remember clearly that Samuel brought us to his home and pushed me into his room all of a sudden where I faced George. Samuel made sure that no one of his family came running in."

"But you weren't running away with him. Why?"

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now