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~Ah the sweet sweet memories~

"Why did they steal a toilet seat?," she laughs shaking her head, massaging my hair.

"They wanted to cheer up Harry Potter who lied in the Hospital Wing. I didn't know it back then. Well I didn't even know them or anything, so this was even more strange than anything else."

"Is a toilet seat really that cheering up? Because then I need to send my brother one, he currently lies in St. Mungos."

"Oh no. What happened?," I ask concerned.

"Just an explosion in the apothecary while his coworker tried to mix a new one. Nothing major, they just wait until his hair finally regrows," Aija brushes through my hair once more.

"Is his coworker by any chance a Seamus Finnigan?"

"How do you know?," she looks shocked.

I snicker: "He went to Hogwarts with Geroge's younger brother. Blew up quite a few things in his time."

"Would certainly explain a lot," she laughs.

"Does your brother like his job?"

"Very. Apart from getting hit with potions from time to time, he likes inventing useful medicaments and to help out. In a way it is like George with his joke shop, just not as funny."

"Oh and toilet seats don't really cheer up that much," I add: "At least what I can recall did the toilet seat never make its way into the Wing."

"Why did Potter even stay there? Seamus again or-?"

"No, no. Apparently if you can trust the rumours, he fought against the face of Voldemort on the back of our defense against the Dark Arts teacher. The Dark Lord really do be in the back of some people's minds."

The woman let's go a laugh: "But how did this professor then sleep? I mean if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was on his back, did he just lie sideways or did he have to lie on his stomach? Because I'm sure He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named didn't take any compromises."

"Good question, I actually never thought about that. I'd think sideways?," I furrow my brows.

"What if he accidently turned in his sleep? That must have been confusing as hell."

"That is too much soulmate detachment," I say.

"Good thing that you just marry," she teases.

My smile vanishes, reminding me again what I'm even doing here.

Aija realizing her mistake quickly asks what else I remember about the early stages with George since I didn't even know the twins. Both of them were a year above me.

"The next moment I have in mind with them, is actually a rather sweet one. It was right after a boy really upset me, he was referring to me as not a real Pureblood mingling with all these traitors and I honestly can't recall what else he said, but it was something drastic the way it startled me."

"I don't understand how some could be so focused over a bloodline. That's just not healthy," Aija mumbles more to herself than me.

"Exactly. It is straight up stupid, but at that time his comments about it made me pretty angry and upset at the same time. Being a Teenager full of hormones isn't easy," I laugh. 


A/N: Since we talk a lot about memories here, what is a memory you guys enjoy to think about? I really want to get to know you guys 😁

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