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~Too giddy not to squeal~

"Where have you been that long?," I was greeted with a pillow in my face.

"It is only eight, calm down love," I laugh throwing the pillow back at her and flop down on my bed with the biggest grin ever.

Sayo catches it without difficulty and eyes me closely before she gasps: "You were with George again, weren't you?"

I grin, looking at her, biting my lower lip, holding back a squeal. However, Sayo is smart she worked it out her own. Instantly, both of us squeal and break into fits of laughter.

I hug my pillow close.

"Look at you, you finally got yourself a bloke. I was worried that one day you end up with Samuel in the end," Sayo jumps from her bed on mine with such a force that I get thrown off and land hard on the floor.

I groan, Sayo has now tears in her eyes holding her stomach.

"I-I'm so-sorry," she chokes out.

The door opens and Kathie comes in. One look at the both of us and she sighs again. She simply walks towards her trunk. Hat girl is used to such weird shit, that I feel somehow sorry for her.

My best friend is still a laughing mess on my bed, while I try to push myself up.

"Should I even ask what happened this time?"

"Better not," I groan.

The door flies open again with more force and Cho with Marietta enter. They look at us bewildered.

"What happened?," Cho asks.

"Ally got herself a boyfriend," Sayo says pointing at me, who finally managed to sit up and holds herself onto the bed.

"What?," Kathie asks confused:" Who would be so adventurous to date you?"

"George Weasley would," Cho smirks.

I turn red at the stares of all.

"I give it a month and the two of you are over," Marietta says bluntly, going towards her bed sitting on it.

She never was the tactful type. Never.

"Thank for the optimism, I believed you'd go for a week at best," Cho laughs.

"Can we appreciate the fact that Ally finally found a bloke?," Sayo empathizes again.

"What is so shocking of me having one?," I ask confused.

"It is you we are talking about," she throws a pillow at me again, nocking me off the bed with one wing again.

I groan. She laughs. I'm convinced she secretly loves to see me in pain.

"When did you and George happen?," Kathie is still confused.

"Long time ago, try to keep up Kathie," Marietta mutters.

Kathie just gives her a very nice gesture and leaves.

"This is just too exciting isn't it? If Cho's crush works out too, you could go on double dates," Sayo says.

"What about you?," Cho eyes her.

"I'm the stunning single that mingles with everyone. I'm not determining myself on a person, too complicated. All are beautiful, I want them all as an option."

We laugh at her.

"I'm convinced now that you are always horny," I say from the floor up to her.

"That is even certified," she nods moving her hips earning herself a snort from Cho who she winks at.

"That's not even funny," Marietta chirps up.

"You shut up, you are just grumpy because you are single since forever," Sayo snaps pointing at her.

Nothing will ruin my girl's mood. Nothing.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now