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~Let's get over with this memory~

My room is a buzzling mess, nothing of the silence I am usually used in here, nothing of being calm.

The house elf Flavio is dragging my big dress inside, Dotty is cleaning my shoes and Olaf is busy with doing my hair. And mother? Mother stands in the middle of the room supervising everything with hawk eyes. Everything has to be perfect tonight.

Again I feel this itch of anxiety in me, this nagging feeling that tells me I somehow will manage to fuck it up and anger my parents. If I cared enough, I would have bitten the skin around my nails or tried to hide my shaking hands, but I don't.

I'm numb moreover.

I cried the last days and accepted my fate of being in a relationship were I probably never feel loved or I can give love. I'm done fighting. Every ounce of sense I tried to get into the thick skulls of my parents was useless.

With every letter George wrote me he managed to break me more. He is so full of hope. Hope that this will be alright, that he can convince my parents, that we have a future. But he doesn't know my parents as well as I do.

They planed it and it has to go their will, whatever it takes. They are willing to sacrifice everything if it is for a higher will.

I stand up almost automatically when Dotty levitates the big and heavy dress towards me to get into. Carefully Dotty helps me get into it giving me a sorrowful look.

„Ty it tighter," Mother instructs the elf.

Dotty gives a little squeal and tightens the strings on my corset. I let go a wave of air of the sudden metal around my torso.

„Tighter," Mother says.

I take in a deep breath before I can feel my breast getting more pushed up.

„Her body needs to be defined, tighter," Mother doesn't have mercy with me today.

„I can't breathe Mother," I press out.

„You can otherwise you wouldn't be standing here. I told you not to eat all of this chocolate lately, you've gotten fat," she responds dryly.

„What if I'm just pregnant, what then?"

„Tigther," she instructs Dotty again, I almost let out a cry this time.

„I beg your pardon young mistress, it isn't Dotty's intention to harm," she squeaks.

„It's fine Dotty, nothing is your fault here," I breathe out, starting to feel dizzy.

The elf cries out: „Young mistress is so nice to Dotty. Dotty doesn't deserve such a mistress. "

„Stop whining," mother demands, then she barks at me: „Stop being so friendly towards the house elves, they aren't your friends."

„Not hey aren't you are right. Dotty is more like a mother to me, more of a mother than you ever will be," I look up with cold eyes and are greeted with the cold hand and the metal of the rings on mothers fingers.

I start to taste blood. But I don't flinch or shy away. She can't hit me twice or else she would ruin my face for the party. People would realize, not even a charm could hide it that fast. She can't dare to challenge that.

„You'll be quiet from now on and get ready. Tonight is a very important event for the rest of your life, a new start and we wouldn't want your future husband to think badly of you from the start. Try not to disappoint him in the first hour," she massages her hand and then she leaves.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now