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~Meeting the parents may leave you drunk~

 A house elf opens the door not just one but two read heads stand there. I blink confused. I know he and Fred have a tight bond and all, but that goes a bit far.

"Hey Ally," Fred waves with a grin.

"Hey Fred?," I give them an irritated look.

George looks like about to pass out any given moment, going more pale than he usually does. You can't even see his beautiful freckles any more.

"Is he alright?," I point at him.

"Dude is just shitting his dear pants. Don't worry he regains composure in any given minute," the boy pats George onto the shoulder who swallows.

"Did you give him something?," I step a bit towards them.

"No! That was just one time, let it go already!," Fred defends offended: "Get yourself together girl."

"Fine," I raise my hands in surrender: "I have to ask, why are you here?"

My parents wouldn't appreciate another intruder, yet alone an uninvited one looking exactly like my boyfriend. Additionally, I'm sure Fred and George would mess with them about who is who, just like they do with literally everyone and that is something my parents don't find funny.

They see it more like a lack of social and personal skills.

"As much as I would love to keep you company and enlighten your day, I'm just here to make sure he doesn't get cold feet and turns around," Fred winks.

George still hasn't said a single word and I start to worry.

"George? Is something the matter? Can I do something for you?," I move up to him, but a house elf is faster.

"Does young mistress' boyfriend need anything? Did Frida do something that upset the young man," she bows humbly.

"No," finally George snapped out whatever trance he was in: "No everything is fine thank you."

Frida lets out a silent cry: "Young man is nice to Frida."

"It's alright Frida, go back to your place," I order.

"Well I guess I can go now, have not too much fun without me," then a loud flop from his disapparating echoes through the street.

George looks at me again: "I'm fucking nervous."

I give him a smile. He is so sweet.

"This will be fine in one way or the other. We'll manage this in no time. Now would you like to come in?"

"Oh yeah, yeah," he shrugs out of his coat wearing a button down shirt and some jeans.

He is looking good today and my mind begins to wander until George rejects to give his coat to Frida, claiming that there is no need for that.

"Please George, just give her the coat. This is literally her duty," I point him to simply give the coat into her small bandaged hands.

"I feel underdressed," he comments once he sees my attire: "This is your house, why are you wearing something that looks like you go on a very expensive ball? It's just us and your parents? It is right?"

He is so nervous he plays with the collar of his shirt. I lay a hand on his shoulder and give him an encouraging smile.

"Yes it's just we. The big gathering will happen next week, if you pass this test," I tease.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now