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~Those favourite memories~

"Woah... wait, wait a damn minute, so you are telling me you never?," Aija lets the eyeshadow palette sink down.

I slowly shake my head.

"Now I can understand why you are so nervous. But why didn't you break this vow you made to yourself when they told you you have to marry Draco?"

That is a question I asked myself often before.

"I have no idea. I was so determined to keep that vow and also, I didn't want to rush this. I didn't want to meet up with George in secret just to have a good shag and then quickly part ways, that's not how I imagine something like this," I close my eyes for her to continue.

"Fair enough. Tell me, what is one of your favourite memory?"

"Out of all?"

"Of all."

"Uf that's tough. When I was four my parents got me my first animal. It was my owl. I felt pure excitement when I named it and it became my best friend. In a big house with no siblings you appreciate every company you can get."

"Oh that reminds me of the time where the house elves arranged a tea party for me when I was five, so I felt less lonely. It was so sweet of them, one of the best days until my parents discovered the party and made us clean up. They weren't happy about it."

"And of course the first time I met Sayo and Samuel. What are some of your favourite memeories Aija?"

"Mhm, for me it was always getting my Ilvermony letter. Since I am out of a Muggle family, but suddenly many things made sense and I had a place to belong. And my first broom ride alongside my brother when he came to Ilvermony. He actually wasn't allowed to fly around yet, but I found a loop hole in the rules. To see his face light up was what made this moment so special."

"You and your brother are close?"

"Very. When our mother left us and dad had to take care on his own, he was a bit overwhelmed, we can't blame him and so it was just my brother and me for some time and it sometimes still is."

"It's great to have a soulmate in someone so close to you."

"Yes. I'm glad you say so. Many people just believe your soulmate is a person you have a romantic relationship with. Yes, that could be the case but a soulmate can be so much more. An animal, a relative, a best friend. And Mohamed is mine," she smiles.

"Both of you developed a love for Quidditch then?"

"You can bet your ass on it," Aija laughs.

"So did you attend the Quidditch world cup?"

"Unfortunately not. My Dad had no clue about such things and it was too stressful to travel alone so we decided against it. I heard the game was fantastic, but I'm glad, because what afterwards happened, could have been a disaster for muggle-born like us."

"You definitely attended it, didn't you?"

I nod slowly: "My family attended it alongside the Mafloy's. I knew that Samuel and his family was somewhere around and also George was there. When our parents allowed Draco and I to look around the field they ordered us to stay together and be back an hour before the actual game starts so we won't miss anything."

"Draco and I both had no interest to stick with each other, so we parted ways as soon as we were out of eye sight. He went to his friends and I searched for mine."

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