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~Missing those moments with her~

"Did you ever find out what he said towards him? Or rather towards them?," Aija asks.

"No. He refused to talk about it and I didn't want to push him. If he ever felt the need to talk with somebody else about it, he would have done it."

"Also his hatred then was more about the fact that Fred and he alongside Harry got a Quidditch ban for the rest of the year and Draco didn't really get any consequences."

"Hogwarts wasn't as fair as everybody makes it out?"

"Hogwarts isn't as safe as everybody makes it out," I say with a laugh.

"Once Sayo fell, no crashed down the stairs a whole level, because two steps suddenly vanished underneath her. Or Samuel and I once almost got stabbed by a knight armour who suddenly came alive."

"How can steps vanish?," Aija looks terrified.

"Oh right, Ilvermony is lame," I tease.

"Funny," she shakes her head again.

"In Hogwarts steps can simply vanish or start to wobble when you step on them. Literally everything could attack you including and especially the Poltergeist Peeves."

"And you claim Ilvermony to be lame, excuse me we are just trying not to die and get education and not train for The Hunger Games."

I snort: "Samuel and Sayo once made it their official goal to make a parkour with Peeves to get a revenge. They regretted it soon after the both of them were stuck in the Hospital Wing for two days afterwards."

Aija laughs:" The both of them were always up to trouble weren't they?"

"Yes. It wasn't even the fact that they wanted to cause trouble, it was more their curiousity. Even if we would have tons of homework, they sat together figuring something completely unrelated out."

"They must have had good grades then."

"Oh no. They were really bright and gifted, each on their own, however when it came to schoolwork they ignored it completely. There always was something more interesting to figure out or to do."

"Sayo also always had the smartest excuses and lied her way out and got extensions," suddenly a wave of sadness comes over me and I feel my eyes watering.

"Okay no crying please, I haven't finished and charmed the make-up yet," Aija says.

I blink them away, but my lips start to wobble.

"What is wrong?"

"I miss her. I miss her so much," I let go deep breaths, if I cry I ruin this look.

"The times without her must have been hard," Aija lies a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it slightly: "But I'm sure she is there alongside your journey."

The thought of Sayo being here and making fun of me just hurts more. Would this situation have been different from the start if she and Fred would still be alive?

The time after her death, I can't even express it. Everything went by in a blur. I was useless. I couldn't do anything. I should have delivered news, reacted on George when he wrote me letters, have been a spy, but I couldn't.

I didn't have a single bit of will in me. The only person I did write back was Samuel. He just lost his best friend. He suffered the same way I did. He just handled it better.

He didn't stop fighting, no, he worked even harder against this upcoming war.

Yet here were I unable to even get out of bed. It was hard to reach our to her in her safe place and hear from her. It was worse knowing she got detained and locked away in Azkaban, but realizing she is dead, was the death of a little part in me.

It broke into tons of pieces and it took time to collect them all.

(A/N: I have this huge sudden urge to just publish all chapters I have left for this story at once, although that would be kind of contra poductive, but on the other hand there aren't much left and it wouldn't really hurt anyways, would it?) 

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