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~Grieving memories~

„Young Mistress?,"Dotty pops up in my ray of vision, looking at me concerned.

I stare at her, feeling the soft material of my blankets underneath my fingertips. I'm so tired. I just want to sleep.

„You need to eat," she holds up a tray with food for me to eat.

„I'm not hungry;" I mumble and pull the blanket over me more.

„But, but you haven't eaten in days," she stutters out.

„Mother will be delighted."

„But I am not."

I turn around to see George standing at the doorframe to my room. I haven't seen him in so long.

It was risky to meet up before, but lately we are guarded and strictly watched, so a meeting was out of question.

Seeing him standing here now makes me emotional and I tear up again. Soon I'm sobbing, pulling up my knees to hug them close.

George instantly is by my side to hold me. Dotty carefully places the tray on my bedside table and nods satisfied with herself before disappearing out of the room.

„You are here," I cry out holding close into him, too afraid to let go in case I'll loose him too.

„I'm here," his voice sounds wobbly.

I feel warmer and safer in his arms. A feeling of false security makes its way to the surface.

„It's alright, I'm here. I'm here now and I won't let go," George rubs my back.

„I miss her. I want my Sayo. I want my sunshine. I want her near me talking about her newest weird obsession. I miss her laugh. I miss the way she will change the world."

„I am so sorry. I wish- I wish I could have done more," suddenly George breaks and he lets out a quiet sob, he were holding himself together for too long.

I look at him and pull him closer, running a hand through his hair: „You did enough. George you had to see things I wish you wouldn't. You fight in the order, make this secret podcast and risk your life. You do enough."

„All this blood. There was so much blood," he shakes, I can feel his tears dripping onto my shirt: „It haunts me. I don't want to know what they have gone through."

I press a kiss in his hair, closing my eyes and lean my cheek on his head, holding him even closer.

He went to Azkaban for Sayo. He went there with the knowledge what he will find and see won't be pleasant.

This world is fucked up.

„If- if I had been faster with my owl, maybe-maybe you wouldn't have to go through this. Maybe she still would be there, maybe all of those innocent people would still live. It's all my fault and if someone has to be sorry than it's me."

I swallow and wipe away my tears. I am a monster. I am not any better than my parents. I should have done something since the beginning.

George lets go of me and wipes his eyes as well, he looks tired and needs some rest.

„Ally, it wasn't you fault. It wasn't mine. It wasn't the fault of all those innocent people. It was the fault of those who willingly ordered this mass murder."

„I could have prevented it."

„And what if you still couldn't have? We can't change what happened, we need to accept."

„I don't want to accept. I don't want to accept this fucking coward I am!," I get louder, I'm fed up again.

„The change this! Merlin Ally, you have the keys to that in your hand, open this locked door inside of you and go out of it. You are the one in charge. "

„It isn't as easy as you make it!"

„I never said it was easy, but it sure is manageable."

It is silent. The boy rubs his eyes and stifles a yawn.

„How did you even get here?"

„Dotty. She suddenly appeared in my room at Aunt Muriel's telling me you need help. If I look at you, I can tell why she broke her orders."

I don't deserve Dotty.

George reaches for the tray and places it in between us.

„This looks delicious, so how about we make a short dinner date, you start," he gives me my fork.

Slowly I take the first bite and forcing myself to eat.

Later we both fell asleep cuddled up and only woke up the next day, but George did look better after this. He finally gotsome well-deserved rest.

(A/N: You know what? Fuck it, I decided to go for it.) 

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now