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~The weeding~

"Thank you," I smile embracing him into a deep hug.

He wraps his arms around me carefully. Our plan worked. Hell broke out after I declared to the open what my family exactly does and investigations once again were held by the ministry.

Turned out that the search they did when I was at Hogwarts was because of a similar reason, just that my parents were smart enough to hide all evidence.

I never in my life was more relieved and scared. Not even now. I got dishonored and kicked out in a matter of seconds. Just as predicted I have lost everything, including the engagement with Draco.

Samuel being the kind soul he is, took me in immediately and his whole family welcomed me as a long lost family member.

And George? Well...

"How does it feel?," Draco mumbles: "You soon will marry him."

"It still feels unreal and I'm scared that something will go wrong or someone might interrupt the ceremony."

Draco lets go of me and gives me an encouraging pat on both shoulders.

"Are they here?," I ask him carefully.

"No, they aren't. I have looked around, no one is there. I'm sorry Ally."

I let out a laugh much to his confusion. My parents didn't come. I'm more relieved than angry. This means I can marry George without anyone interrupting and if something goes wrong during this whole day? I couldn't care less. I stopped worrying about what others want or might think of me.

I am me. That's it. If I want to do it a certain way than I will stand up for that, because I realized that being quiet for another one's satisfaction doesn't do one good.

I am finally free.

"I am not sorry. This makes this day so much better," I laugh.

The angst of them showing up is lifted of my shoulders and I wondered why I was so nervous the whole day. It even feels stupid that I planned all out so it would satisfy them if they actually show up. It is my day after all. I should have done that for me and George when I took over the wedding arragements from Draco and I. 

"Oh before I forget, here," he gives me the flower bouquet: "It took me some time to find the right one."

"Oh Draco, thank you so much. Without you this here wouldn't have been able. I'm glad to have you as a friend."

"Stop Ally, don't make me regret giving you up," he jokes: "A good looking bride like you would have done well by my side."

"Is this Draco Malfoy being nice to me? This is the first real compliment I got by you, uh," I poke him playfully with my elbow.

He laughs: "Don't get used to it."

The man offers me is arm and I take it.

I am forever grateful for Draco. For him taking the duty to bring me to the altar if my fatehr doesn't show up. 

Just before the church, Samuel and Oliver wait for me, embracing me both in a hug.

"She would have loved to see you like this," Samuel says wiping his eyes.

I, as well, feel myself wanting to cry again. What a rollercoaster today.

"UHH YAS, GO STEAL THE SHOW BITCH," Oliver screams, remaking Sayo making all three of us laugh and Draco very confused.

"We let the piano player know that you are here, don't worry, this will be good," Samuel smiles at me, taking a deep breath and disappearing with Oliver.

"Ready?," Draco asks when the music starts.

"Ready," I nod.

When I walk inside everyone turns. On the right side is George's family and some friends of his and on the left side is mine. The de la Santos, Oliver's family as well as Theo and Blaise. A strange combination, but I've grown to love them.

When my eyes dart in the middle, I have to take all my strength not to run into his arms. George is standing there with a million dollar smile, having all the hope in the world again.

Draco gives my arm to George: "Take good care of her, she's a good one you have there."

"Don't worry, from now on I won't ever let anything happen to her," George reassures him.

"Thank you Draco," I hug him again and give him a kiss on the cheek before turning to George.

"Hey," I smile.

"Hey," he grins back.

"Now welcome everyone, since the bride is finally here and I have managed the course of becoming a marriage registrar in four days, we can start this wonderful event that costs a fortune and just lasts a day," Lee says holding a book in his hand.

We laugh, this is really happening.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now