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~Ain't no sunshine~

Aija sits down beside me with a smile. This memory makes me realize how much I miss Sayo.

Tears built up at the pure thought that she can't be here today. I blink heavily and fan myself some air with my hands. This will be even more of an emotional day than originally believed.

"Ally? Everything okay?," the woman next to me looks concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry. It's just, Sayo can't be here today and-," I take a deep breath.

"Oh, is she occupied with something?," Aija gives me a backrub.

I shake my head: "My wonderful sunshine isn't with us anymore."

Her face falls next to mine, realizing why I'm so upset.

"I'm so sorry. Am I allowed to ask what has happened?"

"The war. More particularly the executions. She was a muggle born and therefore under the radar of this new ministry. I told her she needs to hide away, needs to get into another country for refugee and safety, that I would even steal money from my parents so she could afford it, however, her parents not seeing the necessity of the whole situation, believed it would be alright if they just locked her away at home and keeping her away from the public eye."

"I'm not blaming them in any way. Sayo was the first witch in ages in their family and we all actually started to believe that Sayo staying hidden at home somewhere deep in a muggle city might be enough for them not to find her. How wrong we were."

"Especially because of the fact that they haven't had a wizard or witch in their family line for centuries made the ministry particular biased on her. They tracked her down in the end, tortured her parents and executed her straight to Azkaban. She didn't even get a trial."

"Did her parents survive?," Aija asks.

"Yes, they were more mentally damaged than physically anyways. They didn't know what has happened, I remember how they tried to get in contact with me, how they tried to get their daughter back. To meet up with them was risky for me, but I did it nevertheless. They deserved an explanation. It hurt even more to see their hopes fall once they realized that there might be no chance at all to get Sayo back unless the war is over."

"You said she died though, was it Azkaban that killed her? I mean, don't people say the happy and bright one's are the ones with so many demons inside them?"

I shake my head: "No it wasn't Azkaban. Azkaban wouldn't have been any trouble for Sayo. I'm pretty convinced the Dementor that was around her got happier in her presence. She naturally had that effect on others. I'm not claiming that she never had anything to worry about, that girl had a lot of problems and own insecurities up her sleeves, however she always managed to look at the bright side of literally everything."

"For example, she once got the worst test result in class and usually you'd believe that would upset her since she was so goal driven and determined. No, not my Sayo. She laughed about it and said: 'Hell yeah, at least I'm the worst one, so I just can get better, which would be an improvement right?'. The next test was a perfect score. She doesn't see failure as a reason to stop something, she sees – she saw it more of an opportunity to work on."

I wipe my eyes.

"It wasn't Azkaban that killed her. It was the Death Eaters afterwards. They ordered a mass murder on Muggleborns, because apparently the prison was overfilled with people and so it wouldn't hurt to kill half of the people in there."

I let out a cry: "She deserved so much better."

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