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~Rules are meant to be broken~

"We couldn't stop that night. He claimed that his feelings got the better of him, claiming that I never looked better," I smile: "I have no idea how long we were actually out there, but when we got back, my body felt stiff and cold, and I shivered way too much. As a result of us being dumb, we both got sick the next day."

"Everyone gave us weird looks when we entered the castle again. We just shrugged it off and decided it's best to warm up, ending the evening a bit earlier than planned."

"That must have been quiet the sight," Aija is putting crème onto my face: "So for today we will definitely take the sticking charm then eh?"

"I'm sure after the make-up is done, I will cry at least once," I say.

Through the open window an owl comes in dropping a letter and flying away. It's from Theo.

"Church is finished, everything is set up, no way you are going to fall walking into the church I made sure of that and I went through all your points and rules, nothing to worry about, I took care of that. Heads up, today will be fine."

One thing less to worry about. So I just need an answer from Oliver and Blaise and I know everything is done.

"Rules?," Aija looks suspicious.

"I set up some boundaries that need to be looked after, my parents pay close eye to them. They went out of their ways and let us plan this thing at last, but you still need to look at literally everything," I play with the hem of my shirt nervously.

"So you always obeyed rules in your life?"

"With George hardly," I grin.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now