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~The Team Codex~

"You have broken a codex," Oliver mumbles when he sits down next to me on the floor.

"What?," I'm confused.

"You have broken a codex," he repeats as if I would know what he means simply like that.

Sayo who lies on the cold floor staring at the ceiling points her finger approvingly: "In some way you did."

"What did she do?," George asks next to me.

We are all currently in the hallway. George and I sitting side by side against the wall, Samuel stands leaning against the opposite one having a book of his newest obsession in his hand, Sayo decided to lie directly in the way of everyone passing without caring, Cho sits on the window still, scribbling down on her parchment and Fred sits opposite of us, poking Sayo from time to time in the ribs to get a reaction from her.

"She decided to date a player of the opposite Quidditch team," Samuel mumbles without looking up from his book.

"Oh come on," I say.

"Well I take that as a personal vendetta against me, since I'm the beater of the Ravenclaw team and you decided to go for the Gryffindor beater. Additionally, for one who has an identical bastard idiot brother but who are unfortunately good at playing."

"Jokes on you, all I heard was that we are good," Fred speaks up.

"Cho and I question your loyalty towards our team."

"Now this is getting ridiculous, Cho literally has a crush on the opposite seeker and she plays in that position herself. I'd rather worry about that than me," I object.

"Wait, which seeker?," Oliver stares at her.

The death stare of Cho could have killed me if possible.

"Draco Malfoy obviously," Fred mutters.

"Well, still better than dating the opposite beater having a personal vendetta against one of our close friends," she states against me.

"Yes, I knew that was a vendetta."

"Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it, no one wants to be defeated. Showin' how funky and strong is your fight, it doesn't matter whose wrong or right, jut beat it," Sayo starts to sing and we all stare at her.

"What are you signing?," Fred stops poking her scared he pressed a wrong button or something.

"The king of freaking pop, Michael Jackson. He is absolutely amazing in what he is doing, knows his movements that guy," Sayo says still humming the melody.

"Is that a muggle thing?," Cho asks.

"It's not a thing, it is a person. A singer to be precise," she defends.

"That sounded weird," I have to say.

"Muggles have weird taste," George states.

"Don't listen to them Sayo, they obviously don't have taste, he is great," Samuel backs her up.

"Just BEAT IT!"

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now