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~The snowed gardens~

"What will you be doing today?," Oliver asks, dunking his bread in his cocoa.

"I for once, will restock my personal chocolate storage called my trunk and then I will go into this sports store, I want to look at some brooms and quidditch gear," Sayo says drinking her tea.

"Why would you want to look at Quidditch gear?," Oliver asks confused: "Please don't tell me you want to try out next year."

"No, but hey! Why so shocked about that, I could be awesome hitting those balls. I have a lot of aggression in me," she states.

"Totally, I mean when someone can't even name the Bludger she sure be good at it," Oliver snickers, getting a friendly elbow from Samuel next to him, who laughs as well.

"For me it's more the fact that she wants to hit some aggressively. I can imagine she rather shoots rainbows over the field than the Bludger."

Soon Samuel was hit by scrambled egg, getting a laugh from Cho next to Sayo.

"So why do you want to look after Quidditch gear now?," she asks.

Giving a nasty look at Oliver, she eats the last of her egg: "I want to start some kind of sport and Quidditch seemed to be the most fun. Loosing a bit weight could be useful."

"No," Samuel pouts: "if you lose too much weight I won't have anything to cuddle into and I love cuddles with you."

"I don't want to lose all of my greatness dimbo, I just want to get a at least a bit in form," she laughs: "So who wants to help me?"

Samuel raises his hands in defeat: "I will gladly cheer in the stands and watch you achieving even better greatness, but I won't start and do sport with you. Do you want to kill me or something?"

"Cho and I will gladly help you out with Quidditch," Oliver points out and Cho nods in approval.

"Thank you," she beams than she looks at me: "And what, you useless thing, do you want to do to help me out? I mean, they really set the bar high, what do you want to do to keep up?"

She's teasing I can tell. She would never demand from me to do something I don't have the time for. Just as I wouldn't do the same.

"I'll give you the motivational speeches," I say getting a high five from her.

"Then we can get this started. Mission get me to finally move my ass can get started," she stands up alongside Cho and Oliver: "But first I need to get my chocolate supplies. I'm not going to compromise on them."

"See you later Ally," Cho winks.

"Better work it today you gorgeous or shall I say George-eous slut," Sayo gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes with the other two.

I shake my head laughing, looking over to Samuel: "You are not going with them?"

"No, I am behind my work schedule and need to catch up with that. I also supervise a first year who has trouble in Transformation later and it's better if I stay here rather than watching the others discuss Quidditch," he stretches himself: "What will you and George be doing in Hogsmeade?"

"I honestly have no idea. He just told me, he will pick me up at half past eight here to catch one of the last carriages down to Hogsmeade. Usually the last one's are empty, so we could have some time to ourselves," I rub my hands nervously: "I think we will just walk around and maybe go into the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer."

"If you maybe go to Zonkos please bring me some sugar quills," Samuel stands up.

"Sure. Anything else?"

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now