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~I hate him~

„How did he possibly get to Romania without a Portkey? The ministry would have realized if that boy showed up and nicked one. Dad would have known!," Ginny says.

„What if he invented his own?"

„To invent his own Portkey? No. Not even him can do it. Not even both of them could use such strong magic."

„He is gone since a few days, what if he actually traveled without a destiny to go to? And just per accident showed up here? We know he and Fred looked up to Charlie? And Charlie being the one not involved in the war, not witnessing what happened in first place, George might have thought he could be more himself with pretending nothing has happened."

„Because Charlie won't look at him with pity. Charlie won't do as if he was a broken thing."

Ginny blinks at me, needing some time: „Godric, you might be right. No wonder you were a Ravenclaw."

„What just doesn't make sense is, why did he think that traveling around the whole continent would do him any good?"

„It is George. You out of all people should know by now he needs his peace. What better way to find it then being alone on fields or surrounded by people who don't even spare you a glance? Maybe I take that compliment about being a Ravenclaw back," she sighs.

„Hey!," I stop in front of our assigned Portkey and we wait for the sign to use it.

Both of us touch a part of the broken shovel and then we get turned and sucked into a sphere before crashing onto a green and wild field. The shovel falls beside us, vibrates shortly before vanishing.

We both groan. My back hurts. I never get used to this kind of teleportation. How can people walk it off, that's physically just not possible.

„Do you know what direction to go?"

„Charlie wrote clear instructions," I stand up and reach my hand out for hers: „If we see a mountain, we need to go to the left and- yes there it is, so this way."

We start to wander through the field towards a hidden place, we only realize that there is something when we break a secret barrier that surrounded it. We stand there amazed.

Ginny has never visited her brother at his work and is just as astonished as I am.

After some time of us wandering around lost, we found someone to talk to. First he was skeptical if we aren't any intruders or worse muggles, but when he saw our wands and that we mentioned Charlie he switched his attitude towards us and lead us to Charlie's cages.

Charlie himself still looks as good as the day he left Hogwarts, just with a few more marks and scars.

„Ginny," he hugs her tightly: „How much you have grown since the last time, gotten a proper lady I see."

„I am taller than you are now," she teases.

„Good thing intelligence isn't counted with the height," he shoots back with a charming grin.

„I have missed you Charlie," she hugs him again: „How are you?"

„Since the news a bit out of order I have to admit. It is a weird feeling," he shrugs, looking a bit uncomfortable: „How are you and the others?"

„We slowly start to function again. We are still trying to cope with it. Mum is still a mess every time she finds a tool from Weasley Wizards Wheezes. I once found her bawling her eyes out in their old room. Dad slowly went mad because of George's disappearance and the ministry couldn't find him."

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now