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~When it all started to fall apart~

I was sitting my room, looking at my reflection in the mirror while running a hand through my made waves. My hair got healthier in the past time and so it's shinier when it falls down around my torso.

I run a hand over the soothing material of my emerald green summer dress, holding on to the hem nervously.

In a few minutes my boyfriend, no fiancé will appear at the front door to our estate surprising my unknowing parents.

I smile at the silver ring that lies on the dresser in front of me, grabbing it and running a hand over the smooth cold material. It even has our initials engraved on the inside alongside our motto: 'As long as I can kiss those lips, everything can come.'

It is a simple ring, simple but with so much meaning and that he asked me after everything that has happened in the last years, makes it so much more special for me.

I just love him.

I place the ring back on its original way and take a deep breath. Searching for my elegant High Heels I walk around the room and open my cupboard. As I put them on the door rings, indicating that George arrived.

My parents like him, they almost know him as long as I do, Helena's sake, they finally accepted him very slowly but they did in the end. George even stayed over so why am I worrying? We will tell them and they be surprised at first but accept it at last.

It's George we are talking about: You just have to love him.

I open the door to my room and walk into the foie, a servant of ours immediately makes his way towards the door the door to let George in.

When he sees me, not just mine but also his face lights up immediately. The man passes his coat towards the house elf and the bottle of wine he brought as a gift.

We both walk up to each other and kiss him deeply feeling his arms wrap around me.

"Everything alright?," he asks taking the bottle of wine back from the elf and walking with me in the Saloon.

After such a long time with the Denver's he started to remember the important rules of a social gatherings of us. Rule number one, always show yourself from the best side. Number two, we always await guests in the saloon for a slight drink first. Number three, manners are important.

"Just a bit nervous I have to admit," I wring my hands together when sitting down.

"Do you know something I have no clue about that should be worth worrying?," he sits down beside me and takes one hand in his.

I look at him:" No, but we are talking about my parents. They are unpredictable."

"Don't sweat it, they finally accepted me. They will be pleased to hear the news," he grins softly, pressing a kiss against my temple.

"George, good to see you," my father comes in with a forced smile on his face: "Great that you could make it on time, seeing how busy you are."

"Of course I always have time for you," he stands up to shake his hand: "Miss Denver you look absolutely stunning tonight."

My Mother just enters the room in one of her long dresses and her hair tied into a knot.

"Thank you George, you really are a charmer," she lets him kiss her hand, something that took him a while to get used to.

She looks at George more coldly that usual, but I try to push those thoughts away, claiming I'm just being nervous. My fiancé does everything correctly and that maybe for the first time and she still judges him. That will probably never change.

RUDE [George Weasley||Draco Malfoy]Where stories live. Discover now