Chapter 56

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hope you all enjoy this race-day chapter (it's over 7000 words)!

drop your race predictions here - see if you're right ;)

as always, please don't forget to vote and comment throughout! i have too many silent readers who i want to be able to thank, and i can't exactly do that if i don't know who you are aha


Max made an effort to keep me as close to his chest as possible whilst we slept. The only times his arms slackened from around my waist were when he would reach for my hand and give it a squeeze. He seemed to make it his priority to make me feel reassured, and I hated the way it was working on me. I wanted to stay mad, keep my suspicions high on the off-chance that there's a more painful truth hidden between his words, but I also had to trust my Fiancé. Up until now, he hasn't given me a reason to doubt him since getting back together. This is something I'll have to look past to ensure our future together. All I can do is hope he doesn't give me a reason to regret my decision.

The thick grey clouds that obscured the sun on Saturday were also prevalent the following day, meaning that there was more than likely going to be a rain warning for the race. It had been on/off drizzling throughout the night so the track was cooler than it had been all weekend, which made for unpredictable racing.

"I hope it doesn't rain," Max commented, eyes flicking from the road to the miserable sky and then back down again. We hadn't long since left the hotel to head to the circuit. I had originally planned to get a lift in with Stoffel, but I didn't want Max to think I was avoiding him after last night. As a compromise, Stof was going to catch a lift with Max and I. We'd be meeting Vic at the circuit as she was attending the Grand Prix with her partner.

"I hope it does," Stof countered. I looked back to see a small smile on his face as he looked out of the window. "Apparently I do well in the rain." I knew he was thinking about his Monaco win.

I turned back to the front, reaching a hand over and placing it reassuringly on Max's knee. "You've got this, babe. I know you do. Although, I'm sure Stof and I won't make it easy for you."

"I'll buy you both a car if you make it look like you're pushing me but still let me win," Max tried to bargain with a nervous chuckle. It certainly wasn't like him to appear this unprepared before a race. If he were to ever vocalise his doubts, it would be to me in private.

"Tempting," I played along, "but I can just buy myself a car without your financial input. I'm sure Stof would take you up on your offer, though. FE doesn't pay quite the same, huh?" I turned to my teammate and flashed him a teasing smile. His frown almost made me laugh. "Well, they don't pay you enough just to crash with your teammate."

"No, they don't," Stoffel grumbled. "I'll take that car, Max."

Max nodded his head. "Perfect. Now it's just you, schatje."

"Uh, I don't think so." I scoffed. Especially after yesterday, I'm not just going to give everything to him. My racing spirit may be on its way out, but I'll never settle for second when first place is an option. Mercedes would never allow it.

"Please?" Max stuck out his bottom lip. Our car pulled up to a set of traffic lights, which gave Max the opportunity to turn and look at me properly. Whenever I looked into his blue eyes, I couldn't help but melt. He has a way of impacting the way my body functions and I have zero control over anything. I didn't want to be this way, but I loved him so I knew there was no escaping it.

I pursed my lips and lightly shook my head in amusement. "I'll make my decision during the race and get back to you."


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