Chapter 81

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thanks for all your recent support. i owe you guys <3

currently sick in bed with tonsillitis so i had some time to write this.

a 5k+ word chapter for you to (hopefully) enjoy. leave your thoughts in the comments as you go! and please don't forget to click that little star and vote for this chapter.


I was on cloud nine after the Italian Grand Prix weekend. I mean, how could I not be? It had been an almost perfect weekend for me (only almost because of that last lap blunder) and I wanted to experience the high for as long as possible. Even though I know I had experienced this emotion in the past, it still felt like a new feeling. This joy was immeasurable.

Max and I took a couple of days for ourselves following the Sunday race. With the final details of our new house being finalised through video calls and emails, we had no need to rush back to the UK. Murray and Lemon were able to stay in our luxurious hotel and, because Max had insisted that we train Lemon to go on a lead, we spent hours of the day wandering Monza and the surrounding city as a cute, little family. The next Grand Prix was in Singapore, a race that requires the utmost levels of stamina and persistence, and so it was in our best interest to relax a little before the intense training was to start.

My last experience at the Marina Bay circuit wasn't particular fond. Despite finishing second, it was yet another win opportunity that had been thrown away. I was still a little bitter that my team had messed up the tyre strategy, meaning that I couldn't close the gap to the leader who was on the better option. Also, I remember how shitty I had been feeling on my period because of the extreme heat and exhaustion. And then, to just top it all off, I attended a Red Bull dinner where my current boyfriend had invited his ex along just to get back at me. Max has apologised profusely for it since, and our relationship now is so much more stable and secure. There's none of that toxic, childish behaviour that tainted our first stint as a couple. We've both grown as people in our time apart, and then even more now that we're together again.

On Wednesday morning, Max and I boarded our separate flights. He had plans in Monaco for a few days and I had work to do in the UK. It wasn't unusual that our schedules didn't completely line up all the time. Some time for myself, in all honesty, would probably do me some good. I have a lot of preparation to do ahead of Singapore and friends I needed to catch up with. I had been seriously neglectful in the latter.

Bella was first on my list. It was a perfect coincidence that her day off from the publishing company she worked for was the exact same day my flight landed. She greeted me at the airport with flowers and a hug. There was just so much that I wanted to catch her up on that I could barely string a sentence together without interrupting myself with a tangent. She found it amusing, giggling with every new story. For the first time in a while, I couldn't think of any negatives I needed to rant about.

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