Chapter 33

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Because the Canadian Grand Prix would be taking place the weekend after Spain, the entire team flew directly there. The time zone difference would take a few days to adjust to so arriving a few days earlier than needed was useful. One thing I struggle with regarding my fast-paced and travelling lifestyle was my lack of ability to easily adapt to the changing time. Just when I get used to an area, I'm having to fly into another time zone for a race. Whilst I love what I do with all my heart, I can get pretty cranky because of it. Max has spent enough time with me to know when to keep out of my way, however Stoffel hasn't.

The team called for Stoffel and I to have an early start on Wednesday in order to film several videos. I didn't know what exactly I was going to be doing, only that I needed to wear my Mercedes shirt and comfortable bottoms and shoes. I opted for some black cycling shorts because the sun was shining bright, warming the air pleasantly, and my Michael Kors trainers that were designed especially for me. For my hair, I kept it down, allowing my natural curls to cascade over my shoulders, however secured a hair tie around my wrist just in case. My makeup was natural (and waterproof) to prepare me for any sort of activity that Mercedes could throw at us. The fact that we would be shooting on a boat on the surrounding river of the circuit.

I was dependant on Damien to take me to the dock, which was up-river. Unfortunately for me (but luckily for him), D's night was consumed by a Grindr date and he was not ready. Stof found the whole thing hilarious when I sheepishly knocked on his hotel room door, asking if I could catch a ride. He thankfully agreed.

Toto was more than happy to see us getting along much better than my previous temporary teammate. Stof and I had a much better connection and our personalities blended well to the point where we acted as if we were brother and sister. We teased each other to oblivion, but I knew he'd always have my back like I had his. It's the best kind of friendship to have between teammates because it allows for an element of fun during the competitiveness.

"So what are we actually doing today?" Stoffel asked, leaning against the railing of the boat as we slowly moved out onto the river. I wasn't the keenest person on boats so maintained a tight grip on the railing and Stoffel's arm. The smell of the water was indescribable as it splashed up against the sides of the boat, small droplets spraying onto my skin. I hated that the water reduced my grip on the railing and that I was very reliant of Stoffel to keep me stable.

I shrugged my shoulders weakly. "Not a clue, I just hope we stop soon."

"Aw," Stoffel placed a kiss to the top of my head, pulling me into the side of his body, "you're such a baby." I didn't care about his teasing because I was too grateful for him for letting me hold him.

"You two are cute," Rosa, the woman in charge of today, said. As she looked at us, she tilted her head to the side and smiled. "Are you sure you're not dating?"

I scrunched my nose up at the thought but didn't move away from Stof. His chest vibrated with laughter. "A girl and a guy can just be friends," he pointed out.

"Yeah!" I agreed, nodding my head firmly.

Rosa's smile didn't falter. "I just had to ask. It would've been amazing publicity if you were."

I watched Stof's face as it scrunched up. "Yeah, no," he replied. "I've got the best girlfriend in the world."

"And I have the best-" I paused, mouth widening in surprise at what I almost revealed. "Nothing," I awkwardly laughed, "I have the best nothing because I'm single." Great save, Lys. Definitely not obvious.

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