Chapter 39

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Lando stayed true to his promise. Just having him in bed with me, his strong arms secured around my fragile waist, was enough to have the best night's sleep in a while. Despite my dreams being plagued with the same nightmare, Lando was there when I would wake up. He stroked my hair and held my trembling body against his warm chest as a reminder that I was okay. The delicate shapes he traced on my exposed skin matched the tempo of whatever song he was humming. The vibrations from the sound, as well as the knowledge that Lando was here for me, made it easier for me to fall back asleep. I found myself focusing on the 'what if's as I waited for sleep to consume me yet again. What if I had told Lando about 'A' sooner? What if we had dated when I initially had feelings for him? What if we were together now? As much as I love Lando, I can say with confidence that my feelings are nothing more than platonic. Being in a relationship with him just feels like it would be so easy. Could I grow to love him as more than friends? Either way, it wouldn't be fair on Max even if he does decide to end things.

The first light that pooled through the cracks in the curtains was the first thing, other than a nightmare, to wake me up. My entire body felt heavy and I knew that I didn't want to wake up just yet. In my head, I kept a tally of everything I was expected to do today and it made me even more reluctant to move: a workout with Lizzie; a check-up with a specialist doctor to determine whether or not I'm fit to race; lunch with family; whatever else life decides to throw at me.

I felt Lando stir behind me. His hand moved up to my own and intertwined our fingers. I softly squeezed him to let him know that I was awake without having to say the words. "Everything okay?" He asked. His voice was husky, yet gentle. Goosebumps rose on my arms as his hot breath fanned the back of my neck.

I hummed in reply, a squeak barely audible. Despite the pain I knew it was going to cause, I rolled over so that I could face Lando. The skin around my wound tugged slightly, but I couldn't feel any indications that I had damaged it further. Lando's brow was furrowed in concern when our eyes met. I didn't want him to ask questions and snuggled into his warm chest. With how close he held me, the lights through the curtain wouldn't be an issue any more. The smell of his cologne still lingered on his tan, toned skin. Lando's soft lips pressed a tender kiss to the top of my head. They lingered on my skin for longer than normal, but I couldn't complain.

"You've still got another hour before you need to wake up, beautiful," he said after presumably checking the clock on the bedside table. It must be around half six. My heart fluttered at the name he called me. Lando made it so easy to relax and I found myself melting around him. Knowing that I didn't need to get up for a while encouraged me to close my eyes yet again. "Go back to sleep."

He didn't have to tell me twice. At his words, my eyelids suddenly felt heavier than they did before. The darkness greeted me comfortingly, although I am sure that it was aided by Lando's safe embrace. I didn't even feel myself falling asleep. I knew I must've at some point as I woke up in a confused haze with an empty bed beside me. My dreamless slumber made it difficult for me to distinguish between past and present and, for a few moments, I had absolutely no idea where I was.

"Lando?" I tentatively called out. Slowly, I pulled myself upright so that my back was leaning against the headboard. The bedroom door was cracked open slightly so my initial presumption was that he had just left to go to the toilet. I was surprised to find the sun high enough in the sky that it no longer blinded me through the crack in the curtains. Turning to my left, my eyes settled on the alarm clock on my bedside table - thirteen minutes past nine. It took a couple of seconds for my sleepy mind to process the time, and then my heart suddenly rose to my throat. "Shit!"

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