Chapter 24

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"Xavie, I'll call you tomorrow after I've finished all my media work, okay? I love you!" I told my brother over the phone. Max, Lando, and I hadn't long since landed in Azerbaijan and arrived at our hotel. I had been on the phone to Xavier from the moment my plane landed until now. Hearing my brother's voice calmed my nerves significantly, and I'm sure Max was appreciative of the fact that my leg no longer bounced like it had done on the entire plane journey.

It was convenient that we were all staying at the Marriott hotel a stone's throw away from the circuit. Although we all had different rooms, Max ended up dropping all of his bags in my room since it 'was so much bigger than his' whilst Lando finally parted from us to go to his own room. There was no arguing Max's point because my room was bigger (Mercedes perks), but the not-so-subtle kisses he placed on my cheek made me think there was more to it. I was well aware that the last time we were in Baku was the first time I admitted to Max that I loved him, and then our first truly intimate moment followed. There was no telling if Max remembered - it's Max, after all. That man's memory is selective at the best of times.

Once I threw my phone down onto the bed, Max's arms snaked around my waist from behind. It was a nice change to just be held by him without the motivation to take things further. His presence was something I missed when we weren't together so I spend every moment that I can cherishing it. I wrapped my arms on top of his on my stomach and sighed in contentment.

"You okay?" I didn't quite comprehend Max's question since I was enjoying just standing there with his arms wrapped around me. I hummed as I rested my head back against his chest, prompting him to ask the question again. "You feeling okay about this weekend?"

"I guess," I replied softly with a shrug. "I just want it to be over with quickly so I can focus on the next race."

"You'll be fine," Max reassured, his arms squeezing around me for a brief moment of comfort. He put his chin on my shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. "I promise."

"So I can count on you to not run me off the road?" I attempted to joke however it didn't make me feel any easier. My stomach felt like it was in knots.

Max chuckled softly. "You can always count on that, unless you give me no choice," he added, voice laced with humour. I forced a small laugh and closed my eyes, leaning my body more into him instead of trying to think of a response. This was not a topic I wanted to talk about.

I spun around slowly on the spot. Max loosened his grip on me so I expected he thought I wanted to let go, but that's the last thing I wanted to do. I wrapped my arms tightly around his middle, turning my cheek so that it smushed against Max's shoulder. My nose nestled into the crook of his neck and I drew in a deep breath, savouring the subtle smell of his aftershave. He seemed to sense that I just wanted to be held and tightened his grip on my body.

"Your heartbeat is so strong, schatje." I was so consumed by my own thoughts that I didn't even notice my own heartbeat until Max pointed it out. Not only was the thumping audible, it was fast and pounded against my skin. It was no surprise he felt it,

I closed my eyes, shaking my head softly to let him know that I didn't want to talk. Luckily, he seemed to pick up on that and fell silent. He reached his hand up to gently stroke my hair, a trick Max knew helped to calm me. Our bodies gently started to sway along to an inaudible tune. I held on tight, not wanting to let go. The only noise was my racing heart which, slowly but surely, was beginning to return to a normal rate the longer Max held me.

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