Chapter 23

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After opening up to Lando, I felt so drained. It took a lot of effort to be able to tell him my worries about Baku. Despite a metaphorical weight being lifted off my shoulders, getting my fears out into the world only made them more real and heavier. I don't handle being weak well and would often try and avoid it at all costs, but Lando brings out a different side to me. Whilst I hate how vulnerable he can get me with a simple question, it's usually a relief.

Max is a worrier. As soon as he learns of a problem I'm having, or anything of the sort, he'll start worrying about me too much. An example of this being whenever I got my period. He knows that it can make me sick and barely leaves my side through it all. I'd love to tell him all of the feelings I was feeling, but it'll be like I was sharing the load on him with how he'd react. His performance on track can be impacted by me if he loses focus and I love him so much that I really don't want to strain our relationship when we've only just got it up and running again. Granted, he's nowhere near as bad as Charles could get, but sometimes he's just too emotionally involved.

Having slept so well in Lando's guest bedroom, I didn't wake up until nine. I stayed in bed for about half an hour with my eyes closed, enjoying the peace, before slowly peeling them open. There were some small commotions downstairs so I presumed Lando was already up and making himself some breakfast. I hoped he was making enough food so that I could steal a meal and not have to cook for myself (we all know that's end in a disaster).

I reluctantly sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, allowing the soles of my bare feet to touch the carpeted floor. My back clicked satisfyingly as I stretched, causing me to exhale in relief. The t-shirt that I wore to bed barely covered my underwear so I slipped on a pair of shorts from my rucksack. Lando may have seen it all before but I'm with Max now and it just wouldn't be right.

Before heading downstairs, I pulled my long hair out of the messy bun that had mostly fallen out during my slumber. It fell over my shoulders in something that resembled curls, however nowhere near as neat. I didn't really care how unruly I looked because Lando's a good friend and isn't judgemental on appearances.

"Morning," I greeted with a yawn, leaning in the doorway of the kitchen. The smell of sizzling bacon filled the whole downstairs. Lando was standing over the oven, a hand on his hips as he prodded the frying pan. He was sporting a look similar to George Russell - no shirt. His face was relaxed into a natural frown as I'm sure his full focus was on the food before I came downstairs.

"Morning," he half-heartedly replied, not bothering to look up at me. I knew Lando wasn't a morning person so I didn't think twice about his lack of energy. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did," I stepped into the kitchen, "and yourself?"

Lando hummed in agreement. "I managed to wake up early enough to fit in a workout before Max arrived."

"Max?" I asked in bewilderment. "He's here?" Lando nodded his head. "As in Verstappen?"

Lando let out a sigh and put down the utensil. With his now free hand, he pointed in the direction of the garden. "Yeah, your boyfriend is in the garden."

"My-" I stopped mid-sentence at a loss for words and suddenly everything clicked. Lando's muscles in his arm were constantly clenching on and off and his lips were drawn into a tight line rather than slightly parted like when he's relaxed. It explained his coldness, which I brushed off as due to the time of day, however I doubt the fact it was morning helped with things. I sighed heavily. "Lando, I can explain."

"There's really nothing to it, Lys. Everyone knew you'd get back together; that it was only a matter of time. You don't need to explain anything. It's your life and I'm happy for you." He certainly didn't sound happy. Lando forced a smile on his face but it didn't reach his eyes. Disappointment was expressed in his once warm eyes, the weight of guilt for not telling him tugging at the bottom of my heart.

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