Chapter 51

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yes, i know this is a bad uploading time but i do not trust myself to remember tomorrow.

thank you so much for all the comments on last weeks chapter. i genuinely cried tears of happiness aha i'm such a loser. your engagement really does mean the world to me, so please keep up the votes and comments throughout! it's been another rough week so could really do with the cheering up x

more lando content incoming xoxo


"It's because I love you!" Lando's words rang in my ear like a bell, piercing through the atmosphere and effectively killing it. I was in a state of shock. I knew that Lando had feelings for me in the past - he wasn't exactly the best in hiding them - however I never could've thought that they were that advanced. My mind immediately went to all of the previous times he had told me he loved me, when I had brushed it off as just a platonic love because that's all I believed it to be. That's all it was from me, anyway. His confession was so out of character and I didn't know how he wanted me to respond. Where was all of this coming from?

"You... what?" I asked in disbelief, hoping and praying that I had misheard him and just simply imagined the whole kiss. The tingle in my lips was from all the times I had bitten it, the flipping in my stomach was because of my nerves about telling him about Max and I's engagement, the miscommunication was because of the flight messing up my ears. Lando was not in love with me.

Lando took my hand in his despite me trying to pull it away. His grip was firm as he our eyes locked together. I could see how desperate he was and it completely threw me off. Whatever he was trying to tell me that couldn't possibly be 'I love you' was clearly bothering him. "I'm in love with you."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you couldn't possibly be in love with me," I said through nervous laughter. I pressed my hand against his chest to keep him pushed away from me. "There's absolutely no way that you, the sweetest person on the planet, would confess your love to your friend who happens to be the Fiancée of your best mate - that would be crazy! I mean, you'd have to be a complete idiot to pull a stunt like that."


"No," I interrupted him sternly, the frown only getting deeper on my face. "You have absolutely no right to tell me that, Lando. What were you expecting me to do, huh? Dump Max and run into your arms? If I remember correctly, you were the one who encouraged me to go back to him when I wanted to break up." My finger jabbed against his chest as my anger rose. I didn't know where this emotion was coming from but it was bubbling fast and strong. All I could see was red and it was coating my vision of Lando. "What gives you the fucking right?"

With a heavy sigh, Lando's gaze dropped and he ran a hand through his tousled hair. His silence only made the burning in my chest grow. How can he be silent when he seemed to have so much to say a few moments ago? My throat was tight, encouraging my shallow breathing. My biggest worry was how this confession was going to change our friendship, closely followed by how Max was going to react - there was no way I could keep something like this from him. I'd like to think I know Max well enough (considering I intend to marry him) to predict his reaction, and I would hate it for him to get mad at Lando. There is no way that this can be pinned on me, can it?

"I wanted you to be happy, Lys, I always have and I always will. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt and that is the only thing I can see happening if you commit yourself to someone like Max."

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